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Kian's Pov: *Throws his phone across the street* I'm such an idiot! Why would I do that.Ugh! I tried to text veronica but she never responded. I got in my car and just sat there. I still couldn't believe that everything we've been through I always mess things up. *Hits steering wheel* DAMMIT! DAMMIT! DAMMIT! (Thinks-It's usless she will never forgive me after everything I put her through. I better just leave her alone) *Drives Home*

VERONICA MERRELL TWITTER- So as you guys may know, we won the case and collins and devan are going to jail. Well while I thought it was going to be all happy and fun, well I was wrong. So Thanks, Kian... Andrea... for making it SO MUCH better than I thought. :(

@AndreaRusset- Stop makign everyone feel pity for you! Your just upset that me and Kian are back together.
@MerrellFan- Andrea get away from here, your unwanted here. Go with your boyfriend Kian. Your both trash!
@Kianlawley-Veronica.. Im sorry... I truly am.. Please forgive me... let's talk this out.... Please...
@VeronicaMerrell- I made a mistake to.. I believed you actually loved me... but you always loved Andrea didn't you!
@KianLawley-VERONICA PLEASE! JUST HEAR ME OUT! I do love andrea but not as much as you...
@Veronicamerrell- 😢 It's funny how you say that and yet you were going to possibly leave me for her. So just stop, leave me alone
@Ronisquad- Were behind you roni, I will always support and love you. I hope u start to feel better soon.

Kian's Pov: I can't believe that everything i've tried to show i love her she still doesnt want to talk and wont see that I love her. I realized that I do have feelings for andrea still... but I still love veronica, im so confused. Who do I want? I hate this! I don't understand! Who do I WANT?? Was I just playing veronica? I kept asking myself these questions but no answer ever came. I punched the wall and stormed out the house. Franny, bobby, corey, and Jc weren't home yet so hopefully they wont notice.

Roni's Pov: Even when he's trying to apologize he admits he was still in love with andrea. I sank to the floor of my bedroom and cried into my hands. I threw my phone at the wall and heard a crack! I didn't care though I just kept on crying, I couldn't believe he would do this to me. I heard vanessa walk down stairs. I got up and asked her where she was going. She told me on a date with Jc. I frowned and said Ok... I was about to walk upstairs when she grabbed my wrist and hugged me and said it's going to be ok. I nodded and walked to my room and cried.

Andrea's POV: That stupid bitch I can't believe that so many people are on her side, it's not my fault Kian loves me more and roni is a piece of trash. I sighed and decided to text Kian. It kept saying error error so I decided to call him, it went straight to voicemail so I figured he was sleeping or something. I sighed and went on instagram and saw this post from Kian

Kian's Twitter Post- I just wanted to say I'm sorry to Veronica, I love you I truly do, I'm sorry for how I've treated you, Andrea was my first love so it's hard, but now I realize your the one for me. I love you Veronica Jo Merrell. I hope you forgive me..... 💔💔
@kianlawleylover- I'm glad your owning up to it I'm very proud of you
@veronicamerrellfanpage- I don't know for sure if roni needs u in her life. You've caused her so much harm.
@KianLawley- I know and I'm sorry to her and to you guys who supported us 😞😞
@AndreaRusset- WTH really Kian?? So who are you playing. You say you love me then you do this then you say you love Veronica then hurt her by saying you love me! Kian choose already.
(Veronica Merrell like Andrea's comment)
@Veronicamerrell- you don't have to choose Kian because I'm done... unless you can prove to me that i mean something to you... don't come in contact with me anymore thanks!

Kian's POV: hmm.. I have the perfect plan to get win Veronica back. I called jc to ask him about where to get these things, he told me so I ran out of the house and ran to my car. I rushed down the street to get wine, and ingredients to make her favorite dinner. I already set up everything, it didn't take very long but I knew it would be perfect.

KIANS POST- Veronica... meet me at Hollywood beach. I have something for you!

Veronica's POV: I was getting spammed with retweet's and everything so I looked and saw what Kian had posted so I grabbed my shorts and cute lace top and changed. I realized it was the beach so I put a bathing suit under my clothes just in case. I started driving out to the beach it was a long drive.

Kian's POV: I drove to the beach and set everything up quickly and poured the wine and lit the candles and waited for Veronica, a few minutes later I saw her car pull up and her walk out. I waved her over and she looked annoyed to see me . I grabbed her hand and took her to the spot I heard her gasp. I smiled and sat down.

Roni's POV: I couldn't believe all of this there was an area with palm trees which were filled with beautiful lights and then there was a table with candles food and jewelry box. We sat down and he handed me my drink. I smiled at him, I couldn't believe he went through all this just to make me happy and smile again. We started eating when he walked away and came back with a small jewelry box. I looked confused and then he opened the box and inside there was a........


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