Chapter One- A Terrible Long Night

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James pov—-

Kay starts to feel frail and I feel tears begin to leave my eyes without warning. Kay was the one for me and I was the one for her. If she flatlines I swear to god I'm going to jump off a cliff and fall to my death, At least we could be happy together then. I wanted her safe. I wanted to hold her and hurt anyone who would touch her. Ace for example. Thank god he's dead. Or at least I think so, he ran off a cliff and fell into the abyss. Lance ushers me into the white van Ace once drove us in, I remember my mother's face when my father pulled us into this very van. It was a painful and worrisome look. She had dried tears that ruined her perfect complexion. She had her usual bruises all over as usual from our fathers beatings whom was abusive every time my mother wanted to go outside. Me and Carson only really hear the words "Rob" and unholy words following.

I was only in first grade back then.

Carson was the oldest so he took all the weight from my father. He shielded me when my father began to get his belt out. The very next year my mother was killed, well my fathers coverup was suicide. I was scared when I saw what he did. He was shocked too, he didn't mean to it "was only a fit of rage" he told us but I knew he was lying. I just did. The fear in my mothers eyes scared me. She was barely alive when she gave me a small smile before dying. It reminded me of Kay. Lance taps my shoulder, "James I haven't known you for long but I know you love her as much as we do, or at least Abby does. I need you to drive to the hospital out of these woods." Lance explains, I fear for my wife-to-be's life and press the gas petal with force. We drive out of the woods in about five minutes at this rate and Lance tells me where the hospital is. Apparently Abby had her children here.

I grab Kay from lances arms and hurry inside. I ring the bell and shout for help. Soon I find doctors swarming around my Kay. They try to get me to stay out of the room she's in and succeed with force. I wait outside and pray for her to be okay. The doctor treating Kay was named Dr. Terra. He had brown hair and eyes with glasses matching with his eyes. He was about 5'12 and had a thin/ muscular look all in one.

I didn't like him one bit. I was scared, what if Kay woke up and thought he was better then me?

I take a peek inside to find no ring on his left finger. GOD DAMNIT!

I place my head on the walls corner and my eyes feel drowsy for some reason. I was too tired to care why but I let sleep take me over like a wave crashing over.

When I awake I see Lance, Abby, and the rest of them in front of me with balloons, gift cards, and some plushes.

"Hey James.." Abby starts. Steve gives me a sad look, "did she wake up yet?" He asks with sadness in his voice.

I was going to respond when the door swung open and Dr. Terra walks out. "She's alive."

All of our faces light up and Abby jumps into lances arms excitedly.

—Abby POV—
I jump into Lance's arms excited that Kay was alive. I notice something off about Lance though. He wasn't as respondent as usual and he had a strange smell, it was sweet like perfume...

—James POV—

I rush in but Dr. Terra stops me. "There's one more thing though. She's in a comma"

Sorry if it's bad for now I wasn't able to revise it CAUSE SOMEBODY HAAD TO WIN THE SUPER-BOWL AND SOMEBODY SAID THEIR TEAM WON WHEN I KNOW I SAID THAT MY TEAM WOULD WIN... ( I know I voted eagles aubrie)

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