Prologue - The Interview

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"Today we have L of No Name here for an interview," the older man said to the camera as it panned out to see the raven haired singer, complete with bandages, his black cross earring glinting in the studio lights. He wore his black suit and tie and held his teacup with his fingers around the rim. Fans screamed outside the thick glassed building, holding up signs to show their love and messages for the band.

"How are you today L?" the interviewer started.

"I'm fine, thank you for asking," L answered in a smooth tone, watching his language on live TV.

"So we have some questions about the band and yourself, are you ready to answer them?"

"Well I guess it would be rude not to. Go ahead." L sipped his tea, being careful not to burn his tongue or vocal cords.

"We all understand the reason behind hiding your identities, but will you ever reveal them to the public?"

"Highly unlikely. H has run the numbers and obsessed over every possibility and has landed on the decision to keep our personal lives personal."

"Since you brought up H, we'd like to know what H identifies as."

"H is whatever you want them to be. Female. Male. Trans. Genderfluid. They like being someone you can look up to as a role model no matter your gender or sexuality. As for M and myself, we're males, obviously."

"Did you all know each other before the band?"

"Of course. We all were middle school friends."

"And the band was formed in your senior year of highschool correct?"

"Yeah it was a last minute talent show thing H put together."

"So you weren't the founder?"

"Not at all. It was H's stupid idea, but I went along with it anyways. H pleaded with me to join them and M. I guess I did like the idea enough to join. They gave me the track they had started and told me to add lyrics. That's how Kneel You Pigs slipped onto the scene. After that we played the big multiple school talent show as we look today. We lost to a contortionist but caught the ear of a record label employee, so we got a deal before I could say anything."

"Did you expect No Name to become so big?"

"Of course not. We were three high schoolers farting around on instrument, we never expected to have so many fans or be this big."

"Is there any possibility of you leaving the band as some rumors going around state?"

"No. H and M are my family and I don't regret my decision in joining them."

"What's something you want to tell your fans before we end this interview L?"

"We appreciate your support in our madness and hope that you continue to rock with us."

"Thank you L and we look forward to your concert later tonight."

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