"They're getting him on the ambulance now." We all ran towards the ambulance.

"Only one can ride. The rest will meet us at the Forest Emergency Room."

"Iris, you go. We'll meet you there," Zach said taking Wes from my arms.

"Okay, hurry." I kissed Zach before taking the nurses hand and hopping into the truck.

They closed the doors and sped off. I too one look and Jonah and burst into tears. His whole face was smashed. He had blood covering his face, mostly from his nose. There was a huge slash across his forehead, definitely from the top of the hoof. Luckily, everything below his nose was fine.

"Is he gonna be okay?" I asked, still trying to stop crying.

"He'll definitely be needing stitches. Depending on the blow to the nose will decide whether he needs surgery or not. We'll just have to wait and see."

"Is there possible damage to the brain?" I asked, not wanting to know the answer.

"The chance is very small. I've seen much worse from horses and very very few have had damage. I assure you, he'll be okay."

"Thank you." I wiped the last few tears, then took Jonah's hand in mine. I kissed his hand as tears started to spill again.

We arrived at the hospital and Jonah was immediately taken into a room. I went to the waiting room where the guys and Andi were already sitting.

"Did they tell you anything?"

"They said he'll be okay. He'll just need stitches." They all sighed in relief.

"Andi, could you go get me a soda from the soda machine?" Jack asked as I sat down.

"Yeah sure," she said taking the money he had handed her.

"Guys, something isn't right," he said scooting forward.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Jonah basically grew up on a farm. He knows more about animals than any of us. I'm pretty sure he'd know where you shouldn't touch a horse."

"Maybe the horse was extra sensitive." Daniel shrugged.

"What are you saying?" Zach asked.

"I think Andi made the horse do that to Jonah."

"Jack, you're delusional." Daniel shook his head.

"But it makes sense!"

"Andi would never do that, though. She loves Jonah," Zach said.

"Does she?" Jack asked before going silent as Andi walked back.

I started thinking more about what Jack said. He was right about Jonah knowing about animals. I remember at Christmas, Svea went on and on about the chickens and goats they have. And how much she loved horses. Jonah would've loved them, too. He'd know what to do and what not to do, and so does Andi.


"Jonah Marais?" A nurse asked. We stood up and walked towards her.

"He's awake and he's healthy. He's still a little out of it so don't ask him too many questions. We'll allow one visitor at a time."

"Can I go first?" Andi asked.

"Let's let Iris go first," Jack argued. I saw Andi give a dirty look, but I shook it off. I took Wes with me this time, he always cheered Jonah up.

I opened the door and saw him laying in that bed, better than before, but still beat up.

"How are you feeling?" I asked pulling a chair close to him.

"I don't think I'm quite the sex object anymore." He sighed. I burst out laughing.

"Seriously, though."

"I'm fine I guess. Still a little in shock."

"Do you remember what happened?" I asked thinking of what Jack said.

"Yeah, I don't know what happened. One minute I'm feeding Mustang an apple, the next he jumps up and punches me nose."

"You weren't petting him?" I asked.

"No. Andi was checking the saddles while I fed him."

"Andi was checking the saddles?"

"Yeah she-"

"She did this to you," I whispered under my breath. "Why?"

"Wait, what?" Jonah asked.

"Has Andi said anything about hurting you? Or anyone?" I asked.

"No." He shook his head.

"Did the ranchers tell you anything specific about the horse?"

"Yeah, one guy said not to touch his stomach. I don't remember why." That's all it took. Jack was right.

"Jonah, I don't think you should be seeing Andi anymore."

"Why not? It's not her fault Mustang kicked me."

"I think it is Jonah. She was checking the saddle, which goes around his stomach. And the ranchers said not to touch his stomach."

"Are you saying she touched his stomach to make him kick me? Why would she do that?"

"Maybe Jack's right?"

"Seriously? You're taking his side right now? You guys are both just overreacting. Can't you just be happy that I found a girl I love?" He asked.

"I'm sorry, Jonah. But it makes sense. Just think about it. I hope you feel better, I'll send in Daniel."

I sighed and walked back to the waiting room.

"Daniel, he wants to see you," I lied.

Daniel got up as I went over to them. I quickly pulled Jack out of his chair and over away from Zach and Andi. I held Wes on my hip who was happily sucking his thumb.

"You were right."


"Andi's crazy."

"I knew it!"

"Shh. She messed with the horse to make him kick Jonah."

"I knew it. So now what?"

"Jonah doesn't believe me. He even saw Andi touching the saddle by the horses stomach, where he's not supposed to be touched, and he still said we're crazy."

"We really need to do something."

"Like what?"

"We'll say David wants us all home and we'll fly home. We'll figure the rest out then."

"Okay, let's wait till Jonah gets released."


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