She stared down at our hands, sniffles emitting from her.

"What if the child is yours?" she asked me and I held her hand tighter. 

"If he's mine that still would not get between me and you. That won't break us" I promise her because it won't. 

Yes, I'll take care of my kid--if he's mine, but I won't let Taylor feel neglected.

"You don't know that" she tried shrugging out of my hold and I let go of her hand and picked her up. Her legs wrapped around me naturally.

I was holding my babies, literally.

"I know that for a fact" I smiled and snuggled my nose into her collarbone. She exhaled, her body instantly relaxing to my touch. 

How could I not want something like that permanently in my life like that?

I usually threw her on the bed playfully, but this time I rest her carefully on her back, her eyes gazing up at me. 

"We're having a baby, Taylor" I whispered and brought my hands up brushing her hair back from her face. 

I hope the baby has the same eyes as her. 



Everything, that was Taylor. 

"We're having a baby, Kysnor" she whispered and I reached in between the space of us and kissed her. 

Kissing my Baby Momma.


Amanda called me into the office right after Taylor fell asleep next to me. She was still a bit tired. 

The doctor said that it was normal for a pregnant woman to be fatigued most of the day. 

It explained a lot of Taylor's sudden need to sleep recently.

"Doctor Gonzalas is here to perform the DNA test," Amanda said as I watched a man dressed in a floral shirt and khakis walked in. 

"Doctor?" I questioned and she nodded.

"He's heading on his 2nd-anniversary trip to Hawaii" she gave me a tight smile to not push it and I frowned.

"And you stopped what you were doing to come here?" I asked him. 

"I'm the only doctor here that has the technology to have an expedite DNA test done" he responded in a heavy Hispanic accent. 

I nodded and watched as he pulled out gloves and then a small clear container. 

"I have already swabbed the child" he informed me and I nodded. 

Wow, this was actually happening. 

I have imagined myself in many situations, but this one was never in my dreams. 

I always figured that any kid that I had would be with my wife and a test wouldn't be needed.

However, here I am being tested for a kid. 

"After you're swabbed, we will have your saliva go to our lab and the results will be back to you within 48 hours" he further explained. He gestured for me to open my mouth and my eyes glided over to Amanda as I do so. 

She was standing in the corner, her clipboard pressed against her chest as she watched the doctor probe around in my mouth. 

She looked almost disgusted. I smiled when he was done and she smiled back, jotting whatever happened in her pad.

"Look forward to our call or mail," Dr. Gonzales said as he packed up and left the office.

"Are you alright?" Amanda asked and I shrugged. 

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