Faramir POV

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I followed (y/n) through Minas Tirith. She had stayed behind to keep things in order. She had said that she had something she needed my help with.

"Where are we going, (y/n)?" I asked with a chuckle.

"You'll see," was all she replied.

We soon found ourselves in the courtyard. Standing at the edge was Eowyn. I had seen her around the city yesterday and was intrigued by her. (y/n) put her hand on my shoulder, making me look at her.

"She needs some comfort right now," (y/n) said quietly.

"Why can't you be the one to comfort her?"

"Because I have told her again and again that everything will turn out alright. It's time she hears it from someone else." I looked back at Eowyn and nodded. "Besides, I've seen the way you look at her, Faramir. You should know that she feels the same."

I looked at (y/n), but she was already walking away. I sighed and walked towards Eowyn.

"The city has fallen silent," she said as I approached. "There is no warmth left in the sun. It grows so cold."

I stood beside her.

"It is just the damp of the first spring rain," I told her. She looked up at me. I gave her a small smile. "I do not believe this darkness will endure."

I took her hand in mine, making her smile softly. She placed her head on my shoulder and stood closer to me. I sighed and held her close, a smile on my face.

I'll have to thank (y/n) later, I thought.  

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