The Screaming Banshee

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Ok here is the sixth chapter. Took me a while to find out what to write about. But I finally did. Anyways as always, hit that star, comment down below, and...








3rd POV:

Sasuke awoke to the sound of footsteps in the hallway. He turned right next to him to see naruto already awake.

"When did you wake up?" Sasuke asked.

"When I heard the children outside." He said.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" He asked.

"Well because...y-you look c-cute sleeping." Naruto said, blushing and looking away from him.

'KAWAII!' Sasuke thought. 

But outside he kept a bored face.

"Ok." He said.

Naruto's POV:

I was about to say something to Sasuke when the door to the classroom was slammed open.

I noticed that first came in the villagers children. I checked their spirits to see if they were pure or not.

Sadly though, only a little of them were innocent.

I then noticed that the clan heads came in.

First was the hyuuga child. I checked her spirit. She was really pure. Innocent child, but an unforgivable family. She was pretty, so was her name. Pretty name, pretty child.

Next came in one of the akimichie children. Choji I believe. He has a pure spirit as well. Good child.

Next came in shikamaru from the Nara clan. He has a pure spirit as well. And I know because he was the first boy, excluding Sasuke, to ever talk to me.

Next came in shino from the aburame clan. His spirit is pure. I like him, but his bugs creep me out. But that doesn't matter right now. Cause that's a story for another time.

Then came inuzuka Kiba. Now his spirit was different. It was mixture of good and bad. I guess I'll have to get to him first before Sasuke does.

As I was finishing with the spirit checking. I felt a very faint rumbling. I guess nobody else noticed, but I did. It's still a mile away though. I wonder if Sasuke can feel it. So I turned to him to ask him.

"Hey Sasuke." I said.

"Hn." He said. 

'Gosh Uchiha's and their 'hn's.' I thought.

"Do you feel that rumbling?" I asked.

"What rumbling, I-." Before he could even finish his sentence the whole classroom, no the whole school felt the rumbling.

Everyone stopped what they were doing to go under the desk. Then all of the sudden the door flew open and a village girl with pink hair, and a clan head girl with blond hair stepped in.

I checked them both, their spirits were also a mixture of good and bad. But the pink haired one was more of bad than the blond haired one.

"I WIN!" They both screamed.

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