New People

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I'm so sorry for not updating. I completely forgot yesterday. I was thinking about it, but then I thought of yaoi. I'm so ashamed. Anyways I hope you hit that star, comment, and 







To say that naruto was excited was an understatement. He was bouncing off the walls, ready to start the academy. And Sasuke, well Sasuke was really regretting the idea of going to the academy.

I mean come on, they're both an angel and demon. They are like above sannin level. Literally, naruto beat jiraiya up. 

And he wasn't even trying!

Now think if he was trying. The world would be gone before you can even say yaoi rocks.

Now Sasuke is as well worried. For one, the girl he did in the alley way will be there and naruto will find out what he did, for second other boys will try to hit on his naruto, and last...he was to lazy. 

I mean they could do, whatever those wannabe ninjas want to do in their sleep. But you know that's just them.

Well at least he gets to see naruto happy and having fun. And not in a corner crying his little heart out because he has no friends, or cause the villagers hate him. Funny he treats naruto better then the villagers and he's a demon.

But maybe it's from the angel that's stuck in him. Nobody knows what the real reason is. And nobody will ever know. 

Now back to the academy.

Sasuke was really not enjoying the attention they were receiving from the villagers.

There was look of lust in all of their eyes, and Sasuke pondered about just taking one of them (if you know what I mean), before he goes to the academy. Naruto will know that he is missing but, wouldn't try to go look for him since he would want to be early for class. 

As he pondered though he didn't notice naruto stopping. And ran right into him.

Sasuke's POV:

'Wow whatever I ran into is really soft and warm.' I thought. 'Just like my naruto pillow back at my home.' 

"Um...Sasuke what are you doing?" I heard naruto say. 

I snuggled closer to the warmth.

"I ran into something and now I feel like I could take it home and just sleep with it." I said.

"U-um but s-sasuke that s-something is m-me." I heard him say.

I looked up and I noticed my head was on his shoulder, and I had my arms wrapped around his waist and my body was pressed up against his. I turned to his face and noticed it was really, really red.

'Cute.' I thought.

But then I also noticed the villagers glaring at him with pure hatred. And as I listened closely l heard mutters of,

"He's touching the angel."

"He's going to taint him."

"He doesn't deserve the angel."

I got angry at that. Stupid people can't see the difference between the kunai and the scroll that holds the kunai.

Can't they tell that demons have dark colored hair, while angels have the more lighter color of hair. Angels have creamy skin, while demons have pale skin. Demons eyes are evil and sinful, while angel eyes are good and innocent.

"U-um Sasuke c-can you p-please let g-go?" I heard naruto ask. 

I then noticed that I still had my arms wrapped around him.

"Oh uh sure." I said. I then un-wrapped my arms from his waist.

"Sorry." I said.

He turned back smiling.

"It's no problem." He said.

I smiled a little smile. Well that is when I heard the villagers.

"Oh your smile is so pretty my angel!"

"My angel would you like a free meal for smiling such a beautiful smile!"

"Punish the demon for touching you my angel!"

"And punish him for even talking to you!"

I scowled.

"Come on let's go naruto." I said.

Before even giving him time to talk, I grabbed his wrist and started dragging him away from the villagers.

I looked back and they looked confused. I smirked.

'Good, look at who is touching who now.' I thought.

I let go of naruto's hand begrudgingly cause we made it to the academy already.

I turned to naruto and he turned to me smiling.

"You ready?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm ready." I said.

He smiled and started walking. I followed behind him. We then made it to the classroom we were assigned without running into everybody. I got worried once again. 

But before he made it to the door. I lightly pushed him out of the way.

"Let me open the door." I said. "You are an angel, and your not suppose to ruin those hands." I whispered the last part.

He giggled. I smiled, he sounded so cute.

I opened the door and checked the room, no boys or the girl. I released the breath I had no idea I was holding in. I then stepped to the side and let him in.

He looked around the room. He then turned to me.

"Look Sasuke this is the room, we are going to make friends and rivals in." He said. 

I nodded my head.

"This sure is." I said. I then stared around the room too.

"But don't forget." I turned to him. "We will always stick together, no matter what. Right?"

"Right." I said.

"Let's go take our seats now." I said, "so we could sit right next to each other."

He nodded his head and went to the back of the classroom. I followed right after.

After a while we got really bored, waiting for the other kids is really boring.

"I'm gonna go to sleep." He said.

I nodded my head.

"I'm right behind you." 

With that we both layed our heads down right next to each other.

Ok I'm finally done writing this chapter. Took me a while. I actually like how it came out. Well all except the villagers part. That got me mad. But only a little bit. Hope you guys enjoyed. And please hit that star, and comment down below. 


The Dark TruthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora