"You will learn," Milokan turned and nearly fell backwards. Kaiden gripped him and kept quiet. They were too deep in their feelings for him to get grumpy. "I know you are trying. Even though your mother has tried to shelter you from it, you have still been exposed to violence and hateful demons your entire life. I do not expect your views on angels to change overnight. I have to prove myself to you, just like you are proving yourself to me. There is broken trust, but we will fix it."

Kaiden started to realise that too much optimism isn't necessarily a bad thing.

"I'm glad you're patient. We would have killed each other by now if not."

"You've already tried, more than once." They shared a humoured glance. Kaiden was starting to understand him, and Milokan was beginning to understand himself and what he can find funny, and what he can find hurtful. In heaven, he was mainly alone so he couldn't interact and discover himself through others.

"I most likely will not try again, unless you're really irritating, which doesn't take a lot of effort from you-" Kaiden's vile heart bounced back into action, but he realised and stopped.

The angel shook his head and his mouth curled into a faint smile.

"I will learn not to take your insults personally." He inhaled the fresh sea air. "I-" His eyes quickly darted behind the demon and grew with a sudden fear. Kaiden turned and expressed the same shock. "They have found us!"

The demon sprinted to his feet but kept Milokan in his arms. He had to protect him at all costs.

Three men dressed in black darted across the field. Meloras and Jeronah noticed when panic emitted from the young angel.

"Go!" cried Meloras when they ignored her and aimed at her son. Their primary target was Milokan.

Jeronah ran and stood in front of the demon, he shined his wings and was thankful he still had his angel strengths. The hell-hounds slowed down, a little put off by the fierce expression on his face.

"I am skilled, and I am not afraid to kill you." His eyes portrayed a raging fire. Kaiden was a little impressed.

"If you give up that angel, nobody else gets hurt," the man with a broken nose pointed at Milokan. Kaiden had done that to him, and he wanted his revenge.

The young Demon's eyes blacked out and he put Milokan down, understanding that he would have to fight. He isn't going to leave. If he does, their next target is his mother.

"Milokan is going nowhere," Jeronah growled. Something shimmered against the light, drawing close attention to his hand. The angel had a knife which was common for them to carry.

"Do you have one?" Kaiden murmured.

Milokan shook his head and said, "It was never given to me."

Meloras was slowly edging forwards, needing to protect her son and his soulmate. One of the demons watched her; an evil grin invaded his face.

"Just you wait," he spat. "The devil misses you."

"He's never going to see me again." Her voice was low.

Kaiden started edging towards her. He didn't care about Jeronah; he isn't family. Neither is Milokan, but one day, he will be.

"We want the angel," the broken-nosed demon eyed Kaiden with disgust. "Is he your soulmate?"

"So what if he is?" Jeronah spoke when Kaiden tightened his jaw. It was hard for him to admit it to other demons. He still had too much pride in him. "It does not concern you."

"It does when the devil wants him dead."

Milokan gripped the bottom of the demon's jacket. Scenarios of him getting dragged to hell stirred his inner peace. Why did he ever look for it in the first place? He would never have made it past the gate.

"And we will kill him," said a shorter man with crazed eyes.

Kaiden then chuckled, and it made even Milokan's hairs stand on end. He didn't need to see his face to know that his expression was dark.

"If you touch him I will snap your neck and feed on your souls."

Jeronah and Milokan grimaced at the thought. The demons are used to this kind of talk; they get it enough from Lucifer.

"We don't have all day, let's-"

"Who do you think you are?" Kaiden yelled. "Lucifer has no right to make orders like this. My mother belongs to no one, Milokan is mine, and you can do nothing to change that. You know you can't win." The soulmates ignored what he revealed, Milokan would bring it up at a better time.

"We'll see." The man wasted no more time and lunged forwards, knowing he would have to go through Jeronah, but he would prefer to get killed in battle than getting tortured by the devil.

Jeronah flashed his knife at the right time and slashed at the demon's throat. Milokan looked away and tried not to tremble. Kaiden needed to fight when one demon tackled Jeronah to the ground, and the other one dived onto his mother. He couldn't leave the angel when he felt overwhelmed.

"Pull yourself together," He muttered and helplessly watched.

Milokan nodded and turned, just as the demon collapsed, clutching his throat and gasping for breath. Blood oozed from his wound, and he would be dead in less than a minute. His knees buckled, and he fell. Thoughts of how Sally and Ben died were all he could think about in his over-packed mind. It was too much for his innocence.

"Go to your mother," Jeronah said and kicked the demon in the chest. "I will protect him."

"No!" Kaiden growled, feeling the jealousy as he tried to pull Milokan up, but he was close to fainting. "She can handle it."

Meloras was holding the demon off, but he was adamant that he would capture her. He continuously tried flying when she was in his grip. She would kick him hard, and they would crash back onto the grass.

"Kaiden, leave!" she yelled. "We can handle this! Get Milokan out of here!"

Her son studied the situation. Jeronah stamped on the demon's head, and he was close to being killed, then he would help his mother who was perfectly capable of defending herself. He looked down, and Milokan was on the verge of a mental breakdown. He shook and held back a tsunami of tears. He couldn't stay in this situation; it was hurting them both too much.


"Go!" she interrupted. "Go back to the pond, we will-" she punched the demon in between his legs, creating a high-pitched scream of agony, "we will meet you there!"

When the first tear fell from the young angel, Kaiden swooped him up and into his arms, holding him close and securely.

"Be safe," he warned. Meloras nodded, and they both gave a look only a mother and son could share before he vanished, leaving her with demons and an angel she barely knew.

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