Chapter Twelve

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"Leave" Raven says looking at Daniel, still standing in front of me as to block him from looking at me.

"I thought you'd be here, fiddling with your little toy, but I'm not leaving. Not until you tell me where you put it!" Daniel demands.

"Don't you think I would've used it by now if I had it?" Raven speaks through her teeth as if she's trying to hold back her anger.

Daniel laughs manically and looks at me.

"So, what? Is this your plan B? You don't have the cure so you're going to try this?!" He asks amused pointing at me as if I were an object.

"You actually think you can get someone to love you before you kill them?!" He scoffs and steps closer to us, Raven steps in front of me again to block him from looking in my eyes.

"No one will ever love you" He steps closer and stares at Raven getting close enough that I can hear him breathing in front of her.

"Not even this desperate, little, slut." He hisses under his breath.

Raven shoves her brother hard and he fly's backwards against the wall of my living room shattering my window. I scream and cower down to the floor covering my ears as the sound startles me.

"No one is here to protect you now" Raven says and walks over to Daniel grabbing his neck and clenching it in her hands until she feels the bones shift.

His skin begins to change color becoming darker and darker until he smiles, and his sharp teeth and bright eyes peak out.

"Perfect" He manages to growl under her grip and pushes her hands down and begins to punch her over and over in the gut, each time her body folding over and her feet leaving the ground.

"Stop!" I scream and shake holding my ears

Raven tries to fight back, but she's weakened by her wound. He grabs her by the throat and slams her on to my couch breaking it in half. I look into her eyes as she lays there, and her skin begins to darken, her eyes glowing silver.

"Get up!" I scream. "Stop it!" I see my mother laying on the floor and then Raven and my mind tortures me.

"Stop! You're going to kill her!" I scream

Daniel relentlessly punches Raven in her gut forcing it open again as blood stains his fists.

My mind becomes foggy and all I can see is my step father killing my mother.

"Stop, stop, stop..." I whisper rocking back and forth.

"Get off her!" I scream running over to Daniel and pushing at his unmovable figure.

He reaches behind him and flings me away like a pesky fly. I fall backwards onto the floor sliding until I hit the wall. My body is running on pure adrenaline as I run back over to him looking at Raven and knowing she doesn't have much time. Suddenly I remember, I pull Ravens knife out of my pocket and stab him in the back repeatedly until he stands there still and stops moving. I brace myself for his attack, but it doesn't come, instead he becomes frozen and falls to the floor on top of Raven. His blood running thick and black out of his wounds onto the pieces of my broken couch and down into the creases of my floor boards.

"Oh my god..." I say my hands shaking as I look at him laying lifeless on top of Raven.

His body sways and shifts as Raven pushes him off and slides backwards on the wooden floor.

"Raven..." I say shakily walking over to her.

"Don't" Her voice sounding dark and disturbing.

She closes her bright silver eyes and slides back some more. Her skin un changing, dark and cold.

"You have to leave" She growls.

The rubber on her black boots squeaking against the floor boards as they fail to grip with her brother's blood lathering them up.

"I can't." I say crying and I step closer "you're hurt, I have to help you" I say looking at her stomach which is much worse than it's ever been.

"Go!" She screams loudly, and my walls rumble and shake.

My skin gets goose bumps and I look at her dark skin and the blood gushing out of her wound.

"No!" I scream jumping as the firmness of my yell startles even myself.

Raven sits still for a moment, then grimacing she slowly stands up and looks at me her eyes pale silver. Her boots crunch on the broken wooden pieces of my couch as she walks over to me and holds one of her hands in front of my face as if she could reach out and crush it if she wanted. She stares in my eyes and I grip firmly on the knife.

"I'm not afraid" I say trying to convince myself as I shake.

"I'm not afraid..." I whisper as my lips tremble and tears slide down my cheek.

I slowly walk backwards and press my back flat against the wall as she gets even closer to me. Her eyes, I think to myself. I can't see her in them anymore... She's not there.

Her hands look deformed as if each of her fingers grew an inch. Her nails are dark almost like talons. I watch as she comes closer and then stands inches in front of me her teeth shinning as she breathes deep loud rumbling breaths by my face.

I drop the knife and it thuds loudly against the floor.

"Do it" I whisper slowly looking in her eyes.

"You can... Just... Do it..." I say swallowing the lump in my throat.

"I'm... I'm not afraid..." I say again as if to remind myself.

Raven inches closer and returns my gaze keeping her eyes fixed to mine.

"Do it!" I scream at her and tremble pressing my weight against the wall as my knees become weak.

She takes her fists and pounds them against the wall behind me, showering me in pieces of drywall and dried flakes of paint. I close my eyes and look down at the floor crying and shivering.

"N...No..." she manages to say in her normal raspy tone, and then she lets out a loud painful scream and pushes herself away from me.

I look up, but before my eyes can meet hers again she's gone. My curtains blow in the broken window flapping on the outside of my house. 

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