Finally out of hell

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Gerard's POV:
I read over her files already and I know about her anxiety and depression. I'm just glad she doesn't cut.  After she entered the room I realized that she only had one bag, huh not many clothes I guess. I'll fix that later when we go shopping tomorrow. "So you ready to bust outta here kiddo?" I asked with excitement in my voice. She just grinned and said "Yup" while popping the P. While we were walking some girl came up and pushed her against the wall making her drop her stuff so I went to go get the care taker.

Macy's POV:
While me and Gee were walking to leave Melissa comes up to me and pushes me against the wall making me drop my stuff. After I shoved her back she started to punch me so tackled her to the ground and started to repeatedly punch her and cause I was on top and I was a lot stronger than her, she couldn't do much damage to me.

Gerard's POV:
When I came back with out a care taker because I couldn't find one, I saw that Macy was winning the fight. WOW....... she's an amazing fighter, huh wonder why she never mentioned it. After she was done she stood up and said "That's what you get for all those years of bullying and hitting me you STUPID ANOREXIC BITCH." She turned and saw me and her facial expression went from 'happy and proud' to 'oh shit I'm in for it now'. But little did she know I was proud of her for standing up for herself.

She walked up to me and with worry in her voice asked, "uhh, um h-how much o-of that did y-you see?" I just laughed and said "almost all of it, but don't worry you're not in trouble." She looked shocked but happy when I said that. I took out my phone and texted my mates and told them to meet me at the house in the living room (yes they have a house key) because I had a surprise for them.

Macy's POV:
I was so glad that I wasn't in trouble. We were on our way home and it was silent for a while until Gee spoke up and said, "I have a surprise for you when we get home, we will be there in 2 minuets." I just nodded and said okay.

Adopted By Gerard Way?!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt