KageHina ;)

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Kuroo Tetsurou
I just read the most dramatic KageHina fanfic of all time. I'm still shocked.
Like * Comment * 13 minutes ago
👍Bokuto Koutarou and 25 others like this

Bokuto Koutarou Let's suppose I know what KageHina is. What's the drama?
10 minutes ago * Like * 👍12

Kuroo Tetsurou Lol KageHina is a couple's name: Kageyama + Hinata.
10 minutes ago * Like * 👍15

Kuroo Tetsurou And it was so fucked up, like I was shaking my head the whole story.
9 minutes ago * Like * 👍13

Tsukishima Kei I always tend to ignore these kinds of things, but I'm curious. Why were you reading something romantic about Hinata and Kageyama?
9 minutes ago * Like * 👍16

Kuroo Tetsurou I don't know, Yams sent me the link and told me he cried.
8 minutes ago * Like * 👍14

Tsukishima Kei 'Yams', wtf?
8 minutes ago * Like * 👍12

Kuroo Tetsurou Anyways! It was reaaaally dramatic because Kageyama was super horny but he had a huuuge dick and you know.
7 minutes ago * Like * 👍10

Tsukishima Kei No, I don't, and I'm afraid I do not want to know.
7 minutes ago * Like * 👍11

Kuroo Tetsurou Yes you do, lol. Have you seen chibi-chan? He's small. Lol.
5 minutes ago * Like * 👍9

Akaashi Keiji I dragged Bokuto-san away from his phone for the sake of his innocent mind.
5 minutes ago * Like * 👍10

4 minutes ago * Like * 👍8

Kuroo Tetsurou Aw. ☺ His 'penis' is beautiful. ❤
2 minutes ago * Like * 👍9

Kozume Kenma Now imagine for a moment that you're me and this is the kind of jokes and stories you have to hear all day. Try to judge me again.
1 minutes ago * Like * 👍11

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