I was looking at her face while sipping my tea. She was so immersed in thoughts that I didn't want to disturb her. All my mind boggling fantasies about tonight can wait.

It was one of the best evenings of my life. He for not once didn't show his arrogant face to me tonight. Why? Why did he behave like that? And did he really change his mind about Liam just because I said so? Then why in the world he acted like I am the worst person he ever met in school? Again my mind darted to the way his eyes looked at me all evening. For a girl who was hopeless, he gave much more than just comforting. So what do I do now? How should I act in front of him hence forth?

"I know you have something to ask me" Kath said suddenly bringing me out of my own reverie. I turned to find her now smiling and staring at me.

"Yeah. But I know that you will do that yourself" I said smirking at her.

"Really?" She replied with her eyebrows lifted.


"It was nothing you saw now Ish" She said trying to keep her face straight. But the smile in my face made her look tensed and gave up with a sigh.

"Fine we had a moment." She said and I leaned in closer taking her hand in mine. "Again" She said and I dropped it in shock.

"What? You mean you two have history?" I asked her incredulously.

She sighed again and took my hand in hers now, "I don't know Ish. I like being with Shiva. But after what happened with Ian" She stopped with her eyes closed.

"Relax Kath. I know what you are afraid of. But this is not Ian we are talking about. Shiva is nothing like Ian. And I am not asking you to jump in at once" I told her as she listened intently.

"It's been months we know him. And he told that he started to like me the moment we met first day" She said as my eyes bulged out.

"Whoa... When did this happen?" I asked her clearly astonished.

"Last month" She said and dropped her head between her head.

"What? It's been a month" I bellowed as she bit her lip.

"Yeah. I didn't tell you because you yourself were busy with lots of drama in your life. And I didn't want to mess you up even more" She said making me frown.

"I am so sorry Kath. That I got caught up in the attic and was not able to help you out when you needed me the most" I told her shaking my head.

"Hey it's not your fault. And I was not sure what this was then" She paused and I nodded my head. I can understand what was going on with her.

"Now?" I poked her as she smiled widely.

"He's a nice guy" She said as I grinned widely.

"So?" I wiggled my eyebrows as she tapped my head and we both started to laugh like maniacs.

"Aww. Shiva and You will make such a cute pair" I spoke wiping the tears from my eyes.

"I was thinking about how cute the babies will look too" She said and rubbed her tummy as my eyes bulged out.

"Oh..." I half stood up when she started to laugh.

"Aww you're so cute Ish. I love you" She said as I glared and smacked her forehead.

"I know" I lifted my t shirt's collar up and bowed my head.

"So?" She asked folding her legs and keeping the mug aside.

"What?" I asked darting my view to the window.

"What happened?" She asked as I sighed but gave myself up by smirking.

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