Chapter 2 Trident Cove

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They swam farther and soon I had to stop because lack of oxygen. I sighed. I swam to a rock and sat down to catch my breath. So much to do and so little time. The sun was peaking over the ever-lasting sea. I swam back to the beach really disappointed. I climbed through my window and slammed it. Someone burst through my door and embraced me.

"Where have you been?" My mom sobbed.

"I was at the beach." I fibbed.

"Next time tell me. Don't wonder off like some lost kid, okay?"

"Okay." I mumbled. The next two days past by and I was beginning to get real nervy. I was sitting in my room thinking about what to write on my 'departing' letter.

All I came up with was: Dear mom.

I thought about what my dad would do.

That's it! My dad.

Dear Mom, I am going to search for Dad. I promise to check in every 2 weeks if possible.

Lots of love,


I set it on my bed with books about mer-folk and stories I used from the library. I heard someone close the door and start conversating. I trudged to see who it was.

"Hey, Afrodite!" Charles smiled. He has never greeted me before.

"Hi." I narrowed my eyes.

"I brung cookies. You want some?" He smiled.

"Sure." He sat a bag on the coffee table where my mom sat watching TV. I turned it off knowing she didn't see anything in front of her.

"Mom, Charles brought cookies over."

"Oh, goodie!" She smiled. My mom opened the bag and started munching on chocolate-covered mints. When I was little I would peel the chocolate of then shove the mint in my mouth. They were my favorite. I sat on the floor, took one and when it touched my lips, the conversation with Hercules popped up.

'They took the fathers away and put the mothers on drugs.' Drugs. They were in the cookies. I set the cookie on the table and snatched my mother's. She shrugged and reached for the bag. I threw the cookies back in the bag and set them on the floor. I glared at Charles and started stomping on them, crushing them to smithereens. I picked up the bag of sand and threw it away. I sniffed and stifled a gag. It smelled like rotten cheese. I sat back on the floor and casually smiled at my mom.

"Why did you do that?" My mom scolded.

"They didn't taste right."I answered.

"You didn't take a bite. What are you talking about?" I shook my head and walked back to my room. I closed the door and glanced at my messy room. I piled all the books on the opposite wall of my bed. I collected my dirty clothes and threw them into the washer. I gathered my cups of salt water and walked out to the kitchen, and set them in the sink. As I passed my mother she scowled. I shrugged and continued walking. I made my bed and set my departure note on my pillow. The wooden floor needed a little scrubbing so I grabbed a pail and sponge. When I was done I threw the clothes in the dryer. I cleaned off my dresser and cleaned the mirror while I was at it. I went over to my secret stash of candy and happily treated myself. I hung up my clothes and sat on my bed. I went into the bathroom and got in the shower. I shaved and shampooed. I slipped my green bikini under my green shorts and white shirt. I sighed when I looked at the clock. Time had passed by just as I wanted it to. The sun was setting all ready. I slipped on my white sandals, grabbed my wallet, and climbed out my window. Instead of to the beach I went to the local store.

"Hello, Afrodite! Can I get you something to day? Let me guess? Chocolate-covered mints?" The counter lady smiled.

"How'd you know?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2010 ⏰

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