
“Well, why are we waiting? Get me out of here.”

“I… I can’t. Angels were made for Heaven and Earth. Certain abilities don’t work here.”

“Get the others.” I ordered him and his vanished. I grabbed the General and flung him onto the table with ease. “Explain, now.”

“We have about nine minutes to get out of here. There’s a shuttle that only I know how to operate.”

Reven, hurry, I thought to him. “Where is it? Take me to it.”

“I can’t walk, bitch.”

“Well, if you want both of your legs paralyzed, I’d be happy to help. If not, I suggest you get a move on.” He led me through a maze of passageways, limping.

The shuttle was small, but it would have to work. Reven and a few other angels, including my father,  met us there. I guess the General had been exaggerating. Seeing them in one place was… Amazing. All of the beauty was hard to bear, but I was preoccupied at the moment.

I heard one of them whisper, “She’s who everyone is making a big fuss about?”

“Yes.” I snapped. “We need to hurry.” I shoved the General into the shuttle and the rest of us crammed in and I sealed the door behind us. He settled in the pilot seat and started pressing buttons. I watched him carefully. The garage-like door opened to the outside and all of the oxygen was swept outside. I heard the shuttle start, but then the lights shut off and it went silent.

“We’re all going down now.” He laughed.

It took me a few seconds to register what he had done. Rage filled me and I backhanded him so hard, he flew out of the chair and hit the side of the shuttle, leaving a dent as he crumpled into a heap. I took the seat and looked at the controls.

Father put his hand on my shoulder, trying to comfort me. I shrugged him off and mimicked what the General had done. The shuttle came back to life and I pulled the throttle, lever-thing back but the shuttle didn’t move. I didn’t have much time, maybe a minute or two. I was freaking out on the inside. Technology had evolved so much since I was gone, I had no idea how to work these things.

“Aimee… Hurry.” Reven whispered. It almost sounded like a prayer.

“God damnit!” I yelled in frustration and desperation, pounding my fists on the dash. Whatever my hands had touched, I did something. I nudged the throttle and the shuttle moved.

I let go of my breath and wasted no time; the shuttle pulled up and flew away from the landing bay. I saw so many stars and a gigantic, glowing Earth. It was hard to put into words. The moon below us was rocky and gray, spotted with deep craters.

No one was making a sound. Reven stooped beside me and gave me a passionate kiss. I didn’t even care that my father was audience. I gave Reven my all and when he pulled away, his green eyes sparkled with emotion.

Out of nowhere, the shuttle was slammed forward. Chunks of debris crashed into the hull and flew past us. We were just lucky nothing had actually pierced the hull, even though we were all thrown about like rag dolls. I quickly gained back control of the ship and accelerated us towards Earth, away from the ruins of my prison and the moon.

I bit my lip as I concentrated,out of habit. “Where am I landing?”

The angels deliberated for a minute and then reached a decision. “Washington D.C.” Hope said, twirling her red hair in between her fingers. “We have some unfinished business there.”

The Damned Holies (The Fallen Wars 1)Where stories live. Discover now