I gave him a hard stare. “Oh, really? So did I not crack one of your ribs earlier? Am I just imagining you trying not to struggle to breath? And you think I couldn’t restrain you?” I pointed between him and I. “Whatever happened between us was a bad idea. A very bad idea. That was me holding back to the best of my ability. Why do you think I’ve never slept with anyone else?”

“Shut up, Aimee.” He pulled the ticket out of his back pocket, but then slid it sideways in his hand to reveal that he had two.

“What the hell, Xavier!” I exclaimed. “I just don’t want you to die.”

“I promise to be careful.”

“Careful won’t cut it.”

He held open the door for me and ushered me inside. I growled as he said, “It’ll have to.”

We went to the airport and checked in our bags. I took my backpack as a carry on. We got searched and then sat down and waited. I loved flying but waiting in airports is not something I’m fond of. Waiting at all, actually; I get nervous. Especially when angels are stalking me and the humans are riding up my ass.

Xavier leaned over and whispered, “Relax, Aimee.”

I sent him a death glare.

He turned away and muttered something that sounded like “or maybe not.”

I kept glancing at the guards, locating the security cameras, and all the civilians. Oh, and the exits too. If I was found out, I would run to the nearest guard who was a few yards away, steal his gun, and try to make it to one of the huge windows that showed the landing strips without getting shot in the process. I was a lot faster than a human though, so I think I’d be good. I relaxed once I thought through my getaway plan.

After half an hour, Xavier and I got on the plane. We were one of the first to board because we had first class tickets. Xavier liked flaunting his wealth around me, but it was a lot nicer than economy so I didn’t bother to open my mouth and complain.

We took off a little while later. This was going to be a really long plane ride. To pass the time, I read some magazines and watched the sky dim and stars appear outside of my window. It was really pretty. We were served some kind of pasta which I ate without tasting. Once full and the lights extinguished, I closed my eyes and waited for sleep to come.

I listened to the hum of the engines and the quiet whispering of strangers. I felt a blanket get pulled over my lap and Xavier touched my hand lightly, unsure. His fingers twisted around mine and I let them stay, trying not to give it much thought.

We are only friends, I tried to convince myself.

But you slept with him, you wanted to, you have feelings…

That doesn’t matter. If I care about him at all, I will keep him safe. I won’t let him get even more mixed up in my life. If he gets caught in the crossfire and I can’t save him, I won’t be able to live with myself.

My conscience’s argument in my head was the last thing I remembered before I passed out.

* * *

I woke up with my head resting on Xavier’s shoulder and his cheek squashed against my skull. I gently pushed his head to the other side and stood up. I touched my numb toes and felt the burning sensation in my calves. I continued stretching in the dark plane, totally silent except for the quiet breathing.

A few minutes later, a voice was heard over the speakers. The voice was feminine and soft, just loud enough to be heard. “We’ll be arriving in Dublin in an hour and a half.” This signaled it was my opportunity to use the restroom because not many people were awake yet.

The Damned Holies (The Fallen Wars 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz