Other than being beautiful in a rogue way, I looked dangerous, and I was. My hands have done unspeakable things I pushed to the back on my mind.

I looked surprisingly sexy in my all black, tight outfit. I didn’t plan it this way, but it was actually useful. I couldn’t wear loose clothes and risk letting them get caught on something when I needed to make a quick getaway and black made it easier for me to sneak away into the shadows and become unnoticed.

I didn’t hear his footsteps anymore, which was bad news. Then I heard his deep breathing and, “Bitch! You broke my window... Again!”

I shrunk away into the corner on reflex, scared of how his reaction would be to seeing me again. It hasn’t always been easy between him and I. I turned around to look at him, seeing his huge smile. So, I asked, “Is that any way to greet your life long best friend?”

He ran up to me and wrapped his arms around me with joy. “Oh. Aimee... I’ve missed you so much.” Xavier Richmond murmured that into my hair.

“Sorry, you know.. I always have to make an entrance. I can’t help it.”

“Yes, you can help it. Just turn yourself in.” He said quietly, his ice blue eyes full of sincerity.

“Xavier, I will not just hand myself over to be killed. Don’t pretend that you believe what the media is saying. The government has other ideas.” I said bluntly as possible and a bit harsh too. I pulled away from him and left the empty room, heading for the stairs.

Xavier followed me but didn’t say anything as we climbed down the spiral staircase, past the second and first floor. I tried to catch glimpses of the rooms we passed, seeing how much had changed since I was here last. Xavier’s home was very large and extravagant. It reeked of old money. His parents weren’t home, naturally. They had been absent for most of his life and hired nannies to raise him. He finally pipes up, “I’m sure they won’t kill you if you cooperate.”

I turned to throw him a very sharp glance and rotated forward again. “They’ve been advertising me as a terrorist! A terrorist, Xavier!”

“Well, you have broken into several government facilities and bombed one of them...”

“That was only after they named me America’s Most Wanted and arrested me. It was a last resort sort of thing anyways. No other options.”

“How many people did that kill?”

“They were all dead already, actually.”

“You found them that way?” He asked suspiciously.

We arrived in Xavier’s basement laboratory, so I changed the subject instead of answering that question. “I need to know which angels are being held captive.”

“Angels are being held captive?” He expressed his shock and tried to hide his amazement because he didn’t want to annoy me.

“No, Xavier, I’m completely joking. I thought it would be the most hilarious thing to tell you. Look? See that? That’s me laughing outrageously.” I poured all my sarcasm into that as I said it with a straight face.

“Oh, you’re hilarious... I’m not helping you break them out.” He said matter-of-factly, brushing his curly, sandy blonde hair out of his eyes and crossing his arms. His arms were a lot more muscular than I remembered they were, and he had grown taller. He was at least six feet tall now. His clothes were nice; clean and simple, but I knew they were most likely designer brands and expensive. He had finally grown into his Roman nose and strong jaw. He was very handsome now. I noticed earlier that he still hasn’t lost his dimples from his childhood. For that I was grateful, I love dimples.

The Damned Holies (The Fallen Wars 1)Where stories live. Discover now