Ch. 19 - A little peek

Start from the beginning

Where does one get a tattoo like this, was just one of the hundreds of questions that surged through my mind. Again I find out more and she only becomes more mysterious. Her body was like a sensual, graceful, irresistible canvas for the most exquisite works of art.

But more than the tattoos, her form was breathtaking; though I could only see her backside. Not able to look away, my eyes fell to her perfect bosom. A bosom that sent a wave of the most sinful thoughts through my mind.

I felt a most definite stab of disappointment when she covered it with her underwear. I shall certainly burn for this.

Then she began to turn around, which instantly snapped me out of my reverie. I immediately fell backwards onto the ground, right into the mud. Quietly, I crawled from the window, out of sight.

Managing to get away from the window unseen, I ran to my horse and quietly led it away. Of course when I arrived home, I had to explain to Mrs. Bailey how my riding outfit got covered with mud. I told her I tripped as I dismounted.

I didn't want to leave. That part of me that lurks deep inside, wanted to go right back in and fall into her arms.

Who is she?

The rest of the day went as normal. My sister Suzy, Wendy and my cousin Stephanie, who were all standing up in my wedding, came over for tea where we discussed the wedding. Seulgi was there serving and much to my relief, she made no sign that she saw me spying on her. My sister frowns upon my friendship with Seulgi, but other than a few disparaging remarks towards her, she kept quiet on the subject.

I know Seulgi was excited for the part and the small performance she will be putting on. In the meantime, Mark will be taking me out to dinner tomorrow evening in London. A very fancy French restaurant, he told me. I have my doubts and my worries about the marriage. But I know we will be happy. When we're out and he's being attentive and flattering I can easily see how we can be happy together.

When I'm alone, the doubts creep back in. When I'm with Seulgi, I'm just with her and I'm happy. I can't help myself when I'm around her, I know that. But these unholy feelings, urges and Seulgi will soon be a thing of the past.

I can't help but feel some sadness at that thought.

Seulgi's POV.

It's been a busy week. I had my first rehearsal with the actor Charles Green, and it was at the estate of Sir Miles Evanston. He owned a large estate with a huge ballroom. That is where we were to perform.

Charles was a tall thin man, and a head of curly brown hair. I worried about how he'd react to having to work with an amateur like me. But I found him to be friendly and gracious.

Sir Miles had picked out 2 scenes for us to do. One was Macbeth Act 1, Scene 7. I would be playing Lady Macbeth and He would be playing Macbeth himself. It was the scene where Lady Macbeth convinces her husband to kill King Duncan.

The other one was from Richard the III, it was Act 1, scene, 2. Charles plays Richard and I play Anne. It is a scene were the evil Richard woo's a woman right over the coffin of her husband. The late King.

I was a bit nervous working with him as I said, but we got right down to work. He told me at the end of the night that he really didn't mind working with anyone, just as long as they were professional and serious. He told me I was both of those things and was quite impressed by me. I had some time to talk acting and did my best to observe his technique.

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