Chapter 10

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It' s already 2 weeks, everyday routine, you were used to it. You realized something, that you must not be tired always. But someone came into your mind, your classmate Czaibell

"I dont like you dad, I hate you now! Youre not that good anymore," czaibell cried
" You make me like this. Because of you I became bad , I smoke, drank and be bad " she added and cried

       So you came to her and you handed her a handkerchief. You want to do something again. But she ignores you, and asked you that dont mind her business. She said that she doesnt need your help. And you realized that shes not like this when she was with her friends, it felts that you want to be with her.

             Though, as you went home, you were wandering why did your brother ignores you this morning, your mom too. Its makes you sad and pale. As you entered the room, you heared some voices

"Where is hyunrie omma?You know its not her, she changed"

"Why are you like this Mark? Shes your sister, "

"Yea I know that but observe her, she looks like someone and not belong here"

          Then someone cried.

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