Chapter 7

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I looked up at Jackson and his face has been brightened up with a big smile.

"W-what did you say?" I stutter like the idiot I am. "I said I promise you I'll never let you go."

I leaned back again. My face was sure to look puzzled. "I'm having some major déjà vu now."

"Is that so? What are you having this from?" He sounded so suspicious.

I had this stupid thought that he new about my dream. I blushed a little at the thought and pulled my self together. "I had a dream...." Nerves were clear in my voice.

"I know..."Oh my god does he know about my dream?

"About your dream." He spoke my thoughts.

I gasped. Once again I'm speechless.

"How? My dream. How do you know?"

"I was there." He simply replies.

Before I can talk Jackson beat me to it. "I want to tell you something that no one knows about except my family and the people who follow us." I'm kind of worried. What if he's a drug dealer and drugged me. What if I thought that was all a dream but wasn't-oh my god how did I act if I was drugged. I must have acted like a retard.

"I'm not normal. At least normal like you Nicole." He said cutting me from my thoughts. "You have to promise me what I'm about to tell you is going to sound crazy so please keep listening." I looked at him confused but nodded for him to continue.

"Nicole.....I come from a family with rare powers. I know I may sound crazy but what I can do will astound you. I know about your dream because I made it. I knew everything that happened. I can dream walk. That's not all I can do but that's my favourite thing to do. My favourite because I can be with you when your sleeping from any type of distance. I can also move objects when I concentrate hard enough. It's for something for when I'm older. That's why my father has been rough on me. He wants me to try my hardest."

He looks at me with pleading eyes.

"Please believe every word I say." I know it's crazy but I some what believe him. Looking into his beautiful blue eyes that are full of honesty and desperation. Desperate for me to believe him.

He places his palms on to my cheeks cupping them. I Close my eyes and take in a deep breath and let it out. I nod my head. "I believe you." Jackson placed his head against mine. He lets out a deep breath. One I didn't even know he was holding. "Look at me." He demands softly. I do as I'm told. "Thank you for believing me. You have know idea how long I've been wanting to tell you this."

I smile. "Question?" I ask.


"How do you know that I'm afraid of water?" He looks deep in thought.

"When I dream walk. I have access to all your dreams. The good and the bad. Your deepest fears. One that happens to be water. But now I should apologize for doing that to you. It was pretty stupid and immature of me."

I put my hand around his neck. At this point I'm wanting him. Needing him. He's intoxicatingly addictive to be around. "Don't apologize. It's ok now."

Our eyes close and I hear both of our breaths hitch. We are so close. Our lips are about to meet.

My little sister Layla stumbles through the front door with her friend giggling and tripping on her way in. She looks up at us. She gasps.

Stupid Layla. Trust her to come in at the wrong time.

I sigh and move a little bit away from Jackson. "Where going to watch a movie. Don't mind us." She says with a smirk on her face.

"Don't worry. We were just about to go up stairs." Instantly I grab Jackson's hand in mine. It's so warm and covers my small ones. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" Lay yells.

Jackson and I get to my room. I hear a buzz. It comes from Jackson. He checks his phone and sighs running a hand through his hair. I love when he does that. Hot.

"I have to help my dad with something now. I'm sorry."

I look upset but force a smile.

"Go. I'll talk to you later yeah?"

"Absolutely!" He chuckles.

He leans down and places a quick kiss on my forehead and turns to the window. As he steps out he looks back at me. "Sweet dreams Nicky." I smile and look back at the time. It's 8:00pm. Wow. How did it get that late. I turn back and he's gone. I smile and sigh.

I look up to the roof and whisper "lord give me strength." I smile and walk to the bathroom for a shower.

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