The pickup was backing into the spot right in front of my window. My heart was going to jump out of my chest any moment now. My stomach started to twist and churn, I needed to see him. Then the door opened and I saw a booted foot step out, pause, and then jumped out. My chest fell when I realized it wasn't him. I slouched against the booth as I watched the stranger jog to the other side and open the door for a girl, who then he wrapped his arm around her. 

I watched them laugh together as he said something in her ear, and then kiss her on the cheek. My heart ached to feel that again. I watched them walk in the door and then Maybell seated them in the back corner seat, exactly where we used to seat. 

I finally convinced myself to look away and stop torturing myself. Through my shirt I grabbed the pendant of the necklace and took a deep breath. "You were expecting it to be him, right?" A deep and rough voice spoke behind me, making me jump. 

I clutched my chest as I turned my head to look at the person, Walker Baker. "I don't know what you're talking about." I deny as I scoot my way out of the booth and grab the empty soup bowls. 

"I think we both do," He said in both a serious and joking tone. "But I won't tell my brother, because I know he's really into you." 

I started to smile, but then I remembered what today is. "Has a funny way of showing it." I muttered to myself. 

"What do you mean?" He asked me. 

I looked at him and decided whether or not to tell him. He looked at me with humorous curiosity eyes, waiting for my answer. "It's none of your business." I say as I walk behind the counter.  As I ordered the cups beneath the counter, I saw him look at his phone.

"Well I would like to know to improve my skills with the ladies, especially with cute brunets." What was his deal today? Did he wake up today and say to himself, 'Today I want to bug the shit out of DaKota?'. 

"Are you going to order something, or are you just going to harass me?"  I snapped my head at him, giving him a dirty look.

"Sharp woman," He chuckles, " A Baker man's favorite." My dirty look increased at his comment. I hated when he made me feel like I was a competition between him and Ryder. "Ohhh now I see what you're problem is," He laughs. "It's the big three months today! And I bet he hasn't said anything to you yet! Is that it?" 

My mute response gave him his answer, and he nods and then just reaches in his back pocket and pulls out his wallet. I cock my eyebrow at him and then he throws down a couple of ones. "You didn't even ha-" He cuts me off and stands up. 

"Consider it a three month anniversary gift." He says with a big smile as he walks out the door and to his pickup. I resist the urge to follow him and slap him for doing this. Was he just teasing me or was he sending me some kind of message? Whatever it was, it needs to stop. 


I just parked my trailer into a spot next to the other cowboys and cowgirls. It was just me who drove here because my mom was going to go with Taylor's mom and my dad is judging the rough stock and cowboys. I turn off my pickup and then grab my phone and read Ryder's message, "Not sure if we'll see each other before rodeo starts :(". We've been talking for about two hours now, and he hasn't mentioned any thing about three months yet. 

Maybe I'll tell him later tonight and give him a chance to figure it out. Plus I did get him a $50 gift card to Cavenders. But if he doesn't figure it out, looks like I'll be spending that $50 myself. 

I go inside the trailer and untie Pharaoh's baby blue halter and lead him out of the trailer and tie him to one of the hooks. I go back and grab his brushes and treats. First I start to comb him with the curry and then brush him. Then I grab the pick and clean out each of his hooves. He's always been accepting with giving me his legs, even when I first found him. 

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