Chapter 6 "It's Perfect"

Start from the beginning

Later that night while Shaylynn is decorating her tree, her phone rings...
"Are you home?" she hears Severide asks.
"Yes," she says.
"Are you alone"? Severide asks.
"Yes, why?" she asks.
"Good! I'll be there in ten minutes. Wear something warm!" he tells her, hanging up.
Shaylynn heads upstairs to change out of her sweats and sweatshirt, into different clothes. 

Taking her hair out of her ponytail, she brushes it, then puts her hat on

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Taking her hair out of her ponytail, she brushes it, then puts her hat on.
She heads downstairs, grabs her coat, starts to put it on when there's a knock at the door.
Opening it, Severide is standing there in his uniform, "Are you ready?" he asks her.
"Where are we going?" Shaylynn asks him.
"You'll see!" he tells her.
Shaylynn picks up her bag, walks out the door, and locks it.
They walk out to Severide's truck, he opens the door for Shaylynn, she gets in and he closes the door.
He gets in and drives off.
Shaylynn watches out the window to try and get some idea where Severide is headed.

After twenty minutes, Severide pulls onto an airfield. He pulls up beside a hanger and stops.
"What are you up too?" Shaylynn asks him.
Severide smiles, "You'll see!" he says as he grabs a bag from the back.
He gets out and quickly walks to her side opening the door for her. She gets out after her door is shut, he grabs her hand.
"Kelly..." Shaylynn says.
"Come on!" he tells her leading her away from the truck.
They walk out onto the airfield, over to a helicopter, "Kelly, what are you doing?" Shaylynn asks him as they walk up to the helicopter, she sees it's the one that belongs to the CFD.
"We're going for a ride!" he tells her opening the door for her to get in.
"Why?" Shaylynn asks him.
"Shaylynn, would you please just get in!" Severide tells her.
She turns around and gets into the helicopter, Severide shuts the door. He walks around and gets in.
The pilot starts up the engine and the rotors start spinning.
After Severide gets settled, he gets into the bag he brought and pulls out a blanket and covers Shaylynn and himself up.
The helicopter takes off from the airfield.
They fly over Chicago, the city lights along with the Christmas lights sparkling against the snow below is so beautiful.
Shaylynn has a smile on her face from ear to ear, "What do you think?" Severide asks her.
"I love it! It's perfect!" she tells him.
Severide smiles.
After thirty minutes, they head back to the airfield.
The helicopter lands.
They get out, walk back to the truck, and get in.
"Kelly, I loved it! And to do it on my Mom's birthday made it even more special! She loved Christmas so much!" Shaylynn tells him with a tear running down her face.
Severide touches her face and wipes the tear away. She reaches up and touches his hand.
"We better go!" he says as he starts up the truck, then pulls away from the hanger.
The drive back to Shaylynn's house is a quiet one.
Girl, what are you doing?! Why do you keep doing this to yourself? You know you miss him! You know you miss his touch! Jay's touch is nice, but it sure isn't Kelly's! Shaylynn thinks to herself.

Severide pulls up in front of her house.
He gets out and quickly walks over to her side, opens the door, helps her out, and walks her up to the door.
Shaylynn finds her keys in her bag, "Kelly, I had a wonderful time! Thank you!" she says, "Would you like to come in?" she asks him, then it hits her, "Sorry, I forgot you were on duty."
"I can come in for a little bit! A certain Captain and Chief are covering for me!" he says with a smile.
Shaylynn unlocks the door, opens it, and walks in with Severide following her. Severide sees since the last time he's been here, Shaylynn has decorated more.
She walks to the kitchen and starts making some Hot Chocolate while Severide walks into the living room. He sees she got a bigger Christmas tree and it's all decorated. He turns around and sees the Angel tree on the fireplace mantle.
About ten minutes later, Shaylynn walks into the living room carrying two mugs. She hands one to Severide.
"Shaylynn, can we talk?" he asks her.
She sits down on the couch, he sits down beside her, "What about?" she asks him.
"About what happened. I want you to listen to what I have to say and to try and see it from my side" he tells her.
"Alright," she says while covering up with a blanket.
"I went into the Center and did what I did because I didn't want you to get hurt and be disappointed if nothing happened. If something did happen, you would have been the one to decide what happened next. I was told that only twenty percent of your eggs would be used, not all of them and that only my signature was needed because we were married. I feel like I was taken advantage of by this doctor! If I would have been told that you needed to sign the paperwork, then I would have brought you in with me. But when the doctor told me I didn't need you to sign anything and he could do the procedure, I said okay. But I would have NEVER had said okay if he told me all of your eggs were going to be used!" Severide says looking at her for any reaction.
Shaylynn takes a drink of her Hot Chocolate, then looks at him, "Kelly, I believe you! I had a long talk with Dr. Smith when I went in to see him for the first time. He told me that he had their accountant check their books and things weren't adding up right. Apparently, the doctor you talked to was charging clients more than what he was supposed to and pocketing the amount he overcharged. What you know him by isn't even his real name! Dr. Smith found out that the name he was going by was for a Fertility doctor that was in California, but he died four years ago. Somehow this guy was able to obtain his name and medical license."
"So this guy isn't even a Fertility doctor!" Severide says.
"Oh no, he is! It's just HE has been banned from practicing because of what he was doing at the Center he was doing it elsewhere before he stole the dead Fertility doctors name and information" Shaylynn tells him.
"Thank you for believing me!" Severide says, leaning over and kissing her.

A few hours later, Boden finds Casey in his Quarters.
Boden knocks on the door, Casey waves him in, "Kelly isn't back yet?" he asks Casey.
"I haven't seen him. Do you want me to call him?" Casey asks.
Boden smiles, "No! I'll cover Squad! Just leave him alone!" Boden says walking back out. 

Heat In The City (Raging Inferno) Ruling Chicago #3 (Chicago Fire/Chicago PD)Where stories live. Discover now