
5 2 1

I smile as my fingers work at the knot in my friend's back- he's a stupid person, if the heavenly sigh that slips from his mouth is any hint, or the way he's at complete ease despite three or four of the knives in view.

"Do you want tea?" I ask.

Elias seems to be at ease- he's dazed and muttering, probably a little bit sore, and if not a little flustered. He has his shirt off and staring at me as I get up, an for a moment, I'm gripped by the idea that I don't have to be cruel or harsh to survive.

He's fine- this is a world where if you do anything for anyone else, it's killing you. Slowly. Quickly. It depends on the action. In my heart, I can't find anything but kindness, and it lingers and claws at my shoulders like some kind of curse.

The only reason why Elias has accepted my actions is probably because he's drunk.

Just as a step into the kitchen, there's a strangled gasp.

I flinch.

Elias clutches at his chest, spluttering and coughing and the air around me grows cold. It seems like he can't breathe, and just as I rush to his side, hands held up in preparation, but he shoves at my hand.

Eyes, previously half-lidded with alcohol and the stupid stench tightly pressed to his lips, stared at me and Elias makes another strangled noise as he scratches at my palms, shoving me away from him.

I see the light leave his eyes.

I shudder myself. 

*done off of a writing prompt: 'You live in a world in which "kill them with kindness" isn't just a metaphor. You're a serial killer.'

everything from the stars to the earthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora