#Flash4Storms #Flash

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(reprinted from my Oct.2, 2017 post on my blog, Random and Sundry Things)

I'm participating in a flash fiction effort on the theme of "Help", in support of disaster relief in Puerto Rico and other areas. My contribution was written quickly. I only hope that the truth in these words does not disqualify my effort.

So, here it is (she said, nervously).

A world brought together by disaster.
A million points of light.
Disasters influenced by climate change.
Where were the million points before this?
Meanwhile, the President of the United States golfs.

Where were the million points before this?Meanwhile, the President of the United States golfs

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If that doesn't say Help!, I'm not sure what does? :)




Here's a video about the #Humans4PuertoRico Giveaway.

Here's the original post: https://randomandsundrythings.wordpress.com/2017/10/02/flash4storms-flash/

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