Episode 1- The Surprise Party

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The Surprise Party…  


What in the blue hell? I mean seriously…half of these people I have literally told to ‘fuck off’ at one point or another…the other half I’m not even on cool levels with them. All I wanted to do was come home from my crappy ass shift at the grocery store and settle into basketball game, a brewski, and eventually snooze off, only to be like late for class the next morning. Yup, it doesn’t get better than that. But obviously someone wanted me to live through the hell that is my birthday…I guess I gotta put on my best poker face and go with the flow. My mouth dropped open. “Wow…you shouldn’t have,”  

“Happy birthday, Hayden,”  


I gave a wry smile, as she gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She still smelled of cherry blossoms that bloomed in season in Japan. I could be lost in her smell and her embrace. But that known truth also frightened me. I snapped back into ‘character’ and then asked, “Okay…where are the presents?”-everyone laughed. Even my mom was there. She had a gift box. From the size and looks of it, it was either A) a dress shirt and tie, or B) another damn sweater. It’s not like I don’t have 25 already. I took the box and gave her a hug. She seemed to not wanna let go. “Happy birthday, Hayden. Your sister couldn’t be here,”  

“That’s cool,” I responded. “Maybe another time…I’m hungry, let’s grub,”  

The party was okay, I guess. Nice food, good drinks, and of course, the birthday cake. I’m just kinda wanting to sink back into myself, but no one is letting me. I sit back in the cut sipping on Disaranno on the rocks, but then comes Gerry. “Man, your mom went all out for this shit. And here you are, sipping yourself in a corner…you okay, bro?”  

“Yeah…I’m good.”  

Gerry looked at me with that ‘do I look stupid’ look. “Cant kid the kidder, bro…I know your head is still busted over Mitzuko. Go talk to the girl. Everyone knows that the two of you aint over,”  

“It’s over, Gerry. I’m with Taryn now,” I breathed, as I took another sip. “Some us are just too stupid to realize the right time to jump ship. Some of us instinctually do it before the moment of impact,”- I had thumped a pistachio that nailed Mrs. Adelman in the ass. She threw a disapproving glare on me. Gerry laughed. “Bro, you always have a knack for getting in trouble,”  

I snickered a little myself. “Yuh…you would know, partner in crime…you would know,”  

At that moment, a very beautiful woman sat beside me, with a Teal sweater, jeans and some nice lil casual boots. “You enjoyin the party, Hay?”  

“Wassup, Taryn?”  

She looked at Gerry, and I could tell she didn’t want him around anymore. “Hey Gerry,”  

“Laterz, bro,” said Gerry, as he stepped away. I don’t know…it’s painfully obvious, that Gerry and Taryn hate each other. But they dance around each other with all the niceties…over me? Surely, I’m not worth all the fuss. I shook my glass to indicate it was empty. “Would you be a dear…for the birthday boy?”  

Taryn gave me the look. “Okay birthday boy…but don’t get too shitfaced, that I can’t give you your ‘present’ tonight,”-she took the glass, and walked away. I kinda laughed wickedly…usually it was her, trying to boss me around. Then I caught that scent again. “Hello Hayden,”  


My heart started to beat faster, and I wasn’t sure the reason why…was it that I wanted to ravish Mitzuko right here on the spot? Or was more of a fear, that Taryn would come back, and this whole incident would get blown out of proportion? I looked up to her. “Mitzuko,”  

“Your mother did a wonderful job on the party,” she said humbly. I sighed a little.”Yeah…mother sure knows how to put one together,”  

I was trying to give the best poker face I could muster, but I was terrified. Could she see me? Could she see inside? I was wanting to just get up, and get the hell away. There is only one thing worse than someone sucking out your soul, and that is someone standing there, staring into it, knowing they have complete control over you. She might as well had a fucking universal remote, and change the channels, at will. Or better yet, turn me the fuck off.  

“Oh…I forgot,” she said with her frail-ish, but peaceful voice, as she reached in her pocket. Mitzuko pulled out a small box wrapped with a bow. “Your birthday present, Hayden,”  

“Aw damn…you shouldn’t have,” I breathed. I tried to get up to give her a hug, but I couldn’t. Was it me? Or was it the Disaranno? Mitzuko laughed. “I think you have enough to drink for tonight,”  

I couldn’t help, but laugh at my own situation.  

The rest of the evening went smoothly…and eventually everyone left. Taryn stayed, and helped me clean up.  

Okay- well actually it was Taryn and mom…I was told to stay out of the way since I was too damn slizzered, to do anything…I’m yelling to them as I crawled up the stairs to the bathroom. It’s obvious that I can’t handle liquor well at all, as seeing how I can’t even manage to stand up, let alone walk my ass someplace. I tried taking my clothes off and passed out on the floor….  

The next morning my alarm wakes me up. It’s 5:30AM, and I usually get up and run for about 30 minutes before I get ready for class. There’s a note from Taryn…just fucking great. She’s mad that she didn’t have the chance to give me birthday sex…whatever. I mean seriously, what the fuck? Why am I fucking up everything right now? My head is trying to figure that out while I shower from the run. Taryn’s a good girl…sure she can be kinda bossy sometimes, but she’s never given me a reason to doubt her feelings for me. I pull my toast from the trusty old Proctor-Silex toaster that I’ve had for about 3 years now. What’s on the menu for breakfast? 2 boiled eggs, yogurt, 2 pieces of toast and water. I look at the clock…6:35. Class starts @ 7:30 this morning. I put down my meal, and make my way to the bus stop. As I’m walking, I think about when Taryn offered to pick me up for class on the days that I have to be there in the morning. And of course, I said no…but why? It seems like she wants to be there for me…she wants to be with me, and I keep declining the advancements , like an idiot. What am I so afraid of?  


Standing there at the bus stop, her face all red from the cold. She sees me and waves. “I see you recovered from your birthday night. Ready for the quiz today?”  

“I’ll manage,” I breathed. “Shouldn’t the bus be here? I’d like to grab a coffee before class starts,”-the bus finally arrives, and we board. I sit away from Mitzuko, and plug in my Skullcandy to my iPod. I’ve been running from her for so long…what the hell went wrong with us? I’m fighting her meek, but tantalizing voice…I’m fighting her scent…I’m fighting how soft, but weirdly cold her hands felt when they used to touch me….but how warm her lips were when they kissed me…dammit!  

Where the hell did we go wrong?!?  

I was in for a long day today….  


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