Day 3 | The Cooking Accident (Super 4)

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Yes, before we start - my profile disappeared for some reason? Can someone tell me if they are able to see it because for me it says I don't exist?

Anyway, day 3, Ruby shows a talent, Rock shows how much of a troll he is. Also, food.


Being the 'daughter' of a cook, Ruby was able to find her way pretty well in a kitchen, it was fun to have her friends challenge her into doing some crazy variations of some commun food. One of the things she got challenged during Christmas time was Hot Chocolate.

For her it was easy - someone names a recipe, and she just nailed it.

But now - oh now - how would she come out of this one?

Rock had asked for something with kiwi on it. KIWI? It doesn't go well with chocolate! What was he thinking? His only argument was that it was "rough like him". What? He had always been on her nerves, but this was too much!

The only think she could think about was mixing in something in order to make the flavour of the exotic food less strong, so she just dumped a carton of milk into it. It couldnt hurt, and she might aswell just work with what she had?

She looked suspisiously at it, it wasn't her best creation, but Rock wasn't the best human creation either, she was sure it would be fine, afetr all, she was sure the milk would make the flavour of the kiwi disappear.

Franz came in, he was always curious about his friend's creations and often enjoyed creating crazy combinations (none of them ever gave her such an headache as the kiwis). He saw the kiwis on the side and immediately questioned:


'Who else could it have been?' Ruby said, almost laughing.

'Well, someone wants to get you out of the way, kiwi goes awfull with chocolate... Still, you are able to make anything taste nice. May I take a sip?' 

'Go for it, it's probably not that go- FRANZ DON'T DRINK ALL OF IT' She cried, seeing her friend pretty much tossing all of it into his mouth. She managed to stop him about half-way.

'Sorry, but hey, you did manage to make it taste nice! Sorry again!' He said, making some "I'm an angel" eyes. 

'No, no, it's fine, you actually gave me a good idea...' She said, grinning. She grabbed and dumped a handfull of cinnamon on her creation - which already looked extremely brown - he wouldn't notice! 'That's for always trying to make me look bad!'

'Dear Lord, Ruby, you really are evil!'

Ruby did a little sound, as if saying "Only noticing now?" and took her creation to find her victim.

She found him "working out" (also known as getting on the floor and counting from 99 to 100, pretending to ahve done those many push-ups).

'Oh, brosephine! I see you managed to do what I asked, how... unexpected" He laughed, not realising he was walking towards doom. Ruby grinned, handing the mug to Rock.


He took a sip, with Franz following every breath and Ruby trying not to let out an evil laugh.

'That was good Ruby! I'm impressed! I didn't think you could do it!'

'Oh... right.. Sure, I did it...' She responded, disappointed her plan didn't work.

'But...' Rock continued, after taking his thonge out 'What's with the strong cinnamon flavour though?'

A little pause, and then... 'HA! IT WORKED!'

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