Going Back

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No words come

To the pink lips of the child

As her hands fall to her sides

She faces some kind of denial

A penny for your thoughts they say

But a penny is far too cheap

For what this little girl holds inside

The thoughts she fails to keep

She thinks she hears her mother calling

But that can't possibly be right

After all her mother's gone

She was lost just last night

That's why this girl is so fragile

So tiny and precious and sad

This is the second time she has lost

The first being her dad

You can't lose what you never had

And the girl never had a father

Well she did but that's not the point

She never was his daughter

Concrete sidewalks scratch her knees

She begs it to all go away

All of the pain and the loss and the people

Who have said "sorry" to her this day

Then she spies a butterfly

Just flying around in the air

She closes her eyes but still sees that butterfly

She feels it touching her hair

Slowly the girl begins to relax

Her body begins to unwind

She falls over into the grass

And the butterfly follows in kind

Darkness comes far too quickly

Time is lost somewhere along the line

People rush past and leave and go home

It's too much for this little girl's mind

Hope is lost

      And time stands still

                  But time doesn't stand at all

                             People stand by windowsills

                                        And wonder what's left at the pass

                                                                                 The little girl wanders and calls for a friend

                                                                          A friend that will never reply

                                                                The girl was lost somewhere in time

                                                        And cannot find her way

                                                  Back to the start

                                          Back to the love

                                Back to a mother she lost

Collection of Poetic's: Too Heavy to HoldDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora