The Final Act

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You left with nothing left behind. Only the slight trace of your scent still lingers in the halls. A shallow breath is drawn, and cold wind crawls up my shivering being. The salty, warm liquid drips to the floor in pairs. A china pot in a glass viewing case stares into empty space, yearning to be touched again. I am that china pot; I long for something more. I can't have it, I know, but the wish is still mine to hold. Like walking alone at night and passing a sudden breeze, my body stiffens as if I were in a dream. Then you're calling out to me, telling me to live life long. But how can I take that advice, when you left me so early on? The pitter-pat of the raindrops on the ceiling tell me it's time to go. To run back to the empty place where I can be alone. My teardrops merge with the water drops as I sprint down the paved street. Cars pass me by, I'm offered a ride, but prefer to run on my feet. I'm sopping wet, my body shaken. It's unlike ever before. Though I find that I'm not inside, rather at heaven's door. I walk among the stones, some jutting out of the weeds, some hidden in the brambles, but only yours I see. Standing tall, standing proud. It's quite a sight to see. Carefully woven around it are branches of pine, bows of ivy, and lilies. No more tears fall from my eyes, but they continue to fall from the sky. I stand alone, my blood growing cold, until the silence is broken. My name of the flower you loved so dear breaks the silence of the place. The iron gate squeals open, footsteps hesitate. I fling myself out, running once more, past the figure whom I'd never known existed. I continue running long after my breath was gone, to the only place I could think of. I through open the door, panting and cold, grabbed an item of steel, and then I was gone. I knew they were looking for me, I knew that they pretended to care. But I couldn't be stopped. I couldn't live long. I couldn't deal with the despair. You were only a few years older, a few years wasn't enough. I had to be there with you, to hold you in my arms. And for the final time I am running. Running forever more. And I cannot be stopped 'till I've found what I'm looking for. And then I suddenly stop. Abruptly and undetected. I fall to the ground in agony, for fear I'll be rejected. But I will myself to stand, to walk forward, to carry on. Just for this last time, I'll move forward. This is the last time I'll ever have worries. The last time, the last time, just this final verse. One more minute before everything I've known will finally stop being rehearsed. For now it is time to open the curtain, the stage was long-ago set. The lights come on, the thunderous applause, and then it's time for the final act. I step onto the stage, my time long overdue, as I prepare to walk down the stairs to find waiting for me, you. The steel draws a picture too lovely to capture; the scarlet blurs my vision. With one final movement, I'm unmoving and perfect. I'm finally getting my standing ovation.

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