A Mirror of Shattered Glass

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Izanagi: After

Izanagi screamed out to Alon. His emotions were all over the place. He was angry. Very angry. But he also wanted to cry. He wanted to reach out and be held like a baby. Izanagi didn't even know what was going on around him anymore. He stepped forward raging with fury, Izanagi brought his fist to the mirror that stood mockingly in front of him. The mirror shattered, leaving a fractioned reflection behind. A ghostly reminder of the newly blooming hatred Izanagi had.

Izanagi's hands trembled as he glared at his reflection that displayed itself on the mirror. He glanced at his hands; the tips of his knuckles and his long pale fingers were splattered with dried blood. Whose he did not know. He slipped his stained hands to the tips of his long ashen hair. Encasing the tips of his fingers around the short blade that hung on his side, he brought it to the tie in his hair that currently held his long ashen hair together. The blade was sharp, it only took a slip of Izanagi's wrist to slice his hair just above his shoulders. He looked up tears in his eyes. Before his knees finally buckled below him and Izanagi pressed his forehead against the remainder of the mirror. 

He finally felt his heart crack. Memories of them together flashed before his eyes.

"Izanagi, you need to run, you need to run right now. Izanagi they are coming" Alon glanced at Izanagi standing in the rain and cupped Izanagi's face. Once Alon knew the message had gotten through he turned quickly and brushed away his hair from his eyes. Alon ran leaving Izanagi alone. Cold, now fatherless and definitely alone. The only words Alon spoke to Izanagi were of warning. Not love, he always thought he was in love. Never out, always in. In with Alon. He cried out again. Louder, hoping the world would hear his cry. But alas the castle was now empty he remembered. He had evacuated the people of the castle hearing the warning of Alon and the news of his deceased father. Wasn't he now king? Didn't his father lay dead in some named room in the castle?  Hadn't he yet the time to retrieve his body since the assassination? His elder brother dead some summers ago, and his mother at his very birth. The only family he had now was gone, Alon no longer on the list. He felt betrayal in his heart. Was this why it had hurt so much. Any other man and he wouldn't have cared. But Alon was different. Entirely different.  

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