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Malia POV

     You know how you get scared when you wake up in an unfamiliar place? Well me too, but the weird thing is, that didn't happen this morning. I knew exactly where I was. Which is weird, because even when I wake up in my Momma's house I'm confused as fuck for a hot second.

     I didn't dwell on that too long, because I catch a whiff of bacon. 'Mmm... Food'  I'm out of the bed and down the stairs in no time. When I get to the kitchen I swear I walk into a dream. I literally pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming.

     Luca is standing at the stove cooking, with his back to me. Mind you, he has no shirt on so every time he moves his back muscles are flexing and stretching so deliciously. My eyes move lower to see the notorious grey sweatpants hanging dangerously low on his hips.

     I look over at Micah and my knees get weak. He's sitting at the kitchen table in only his boxers. FML!! I just turn and leave the kitchen. I can't deal with this type of stuff this early in the morning. These pregnancy hormones are gonna make me do things I'll regret.

Micah's POV

     I watch from the corner of my eye as Malia walks in, looks at Luca for a second, looks over at me before walking back out.

"Did you just see that?" I asked Luca.

"How would I see it when my back was turned? "

"Whatever man. You're being an ass."

"Fuck off Micah."

Malia POV

'Showing you l love cause goin' out is gettin' old. Imma make breakfast goin' out is gettin' old, gettin' old gettin' old gettin old gettin' old like yeah. Showing you I love you cause goin' out is gettin' old. You can leave yo man cause that niggah is gettin' old. Leave yo towel too cause that teasing shit is gettin' old. What you waste time foe we are only gettin' old. I take one hit if yo love and we gettin' thowed. Ooo yeah yeah...

I'm sitting in my room listening to 6lack when my phone rings. I answer without looking at who it was. I really need to stop doing that.

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

"Can you come to the cafe with me?" I hear Bobby ask on the other end.

"Girl yes! I don't have any thing to wear but shit I'll be right there."

"Umm... okay. Wait how are you getting here?"

"Damn. Uh... I'll figure it out."

We hang up and I put on the slippers I wore here. I make my way down the stair to and don't hear anything. I peak the kitchen and don't see either Luca or Micah. I look around the kitchen for some car keys, but don't see any. I go down the little set of steps connected to the kitchen and enter a den. To my right there's a door and I can see through the window on the door I see that it's the garage. I open the door and it makes that dinging noise the tells you that the door has been opened and freeze immediately.

     When nothing happens I make a run for it. I grab the first set of keys my hand touches. It just so happened to be one of the really fancy ones but I wasn't about to stop to get a less fancier one. I start the car, open the garage door and and pull out.

     Once I get to the cafe I just sit in the parking lot, trying to calm my racing heart. The whole drive over I just knew that Lucan or Micah -or both- were gonna pull up next to  me and demand that I turn back around. I honestly don't know if I would've listened or not.

     I make my way into the cafe and head to the booth that Bobby and I usually sit and see that she's already there.

"Hey. Have you ordered yet?" I ask as I sit down in the booth.

"Nah. I was waiting on you. You weren't kidding when you said you didn't have anything to wear." She said, holding back a laugh. "Are those their clothes?"

"Yeah. My clothes from yesterday were dirty and Micah didn't let me bring any with me from home." I finish explaining just as the waitress comes over. We order our food and just talk about everything under the moon until our food comes.

     Just as our food comes my phone rings. Now I know I just said that I needed to start looking at the caller ID, but again, I answer without looking. I put the phone to my ear only to pull it right back away.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" Luca screams from the other end.  I decided to play dumb.

"Umm... I think you have the wrong number." And I hang up.

"Who was that?" Bobby asks with a fry hanging from her mouth.

I don't get to reply before my phone is ringing again. I look at the screen this time but don't recognize the number. So I answer. Dumbass.


"Try that shit again and your ass is grass." Luca yells.

"How dare you? I'm a-"

"I don't give a fuck how old you are Malia. You should have told us before you left the house. Where are you? Ya know what it doesn't matter, come home now!"

"But Lucaaaaa! I was just about to eat."

"Get it to go."

"But I'm with Bobby."


"Luca calm down. SHE is just my best friend."

"You better not be fucking lying to me Malia. You better not be with another man."

     That pissed me off.

"Bitch! And if I fucking was? You don't own me. You're not my boyfriend. You don't tell who the fuck I can and can't be around."

"Oh, but that's where you're wrong. I do own you. It's just a matter of time before you understand that yourself. Come home Malia. You have an hour." And then he hung up.

This mutherfucker is crazy.

"What's wrong?" Bobby asks, having only heard the conversation from my end.

"Girl not a damn thing. Crazy mutherfucker thinks he owns me. Little does he know he has another thing coming." I say as I dig into my food.

Little did I know I was the one with another thing coming. Another thing in the form of a very angry Luca.

HI YOU GUYS!! It's been so long. How are you?... I'm good. Thanks. So I know this chapter wasn't much, but I felt so bad for not updating for almost two months. You guys probably didn't even notice though. 😂  Anyways I hope you like and don't forget get to

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