10. The Adorable Boy Version - Cora

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"We can get to that later. First, you have to introduce me to Beautiful over here. Are you two together?" For the first time, Luca turned towards me and I extended a hand in greeting.

As much as I would've loved for Theo to introduce me to everyone, I was a big girl and could handle it. "I'm Cora, though I guess you can call me Pip. I'm a new friend of Theo's here." What can I say? I really like the new nickname. Luca shook my hand quickly and looked back and forth between Theo and me.

"Friends, huh? That means I have a shot," he said. "Though I don't know why you would pass this little slice of heaven up, you idiot." He directed this last at Theo who'd been watching our little exchange with an expression I couldn't identify covering his beautiful features.

"I never said I did, Luca," Theo said. My heart did a weird flip floppy thing at the thought that he might think of me that way. "All she said was that we're new friends. We only just met."

"Well, you'd better watch, or someone may come in and swoop little Pip here off her feet," Luca said. He returned his eyes to mine before he continued, "I may not be any kind of expert, but I get the feeling that, despite her size, she's not one to get swept off her feet easily. She's one to be sure she likes you before letting herself fall. And in your case, buddy, she doesn't look the type to get starstruck."

I smiled slightly at him. It was slightly unnerving having someone talk so blatantly about you in front of you, but I liked that he was so open about what he saw. It made me think that he didn't lie that much.

"Well, I'll keep that in mind," Theo said loudly, putting an abrupt end to the moment. "We'll have my usual."

Luca nodded quickly, realizing he still had a job to do and turned to walk back to the kitchen.

"Oh, and Luca?" Theo called and he turned back. "You can call her Cora because that's her name."

I cut a sharp look at him before returning to smile at Luca. "Sorry about him," I said. I motioned to the grumpy boy across from me. "He's grumpy when he's hungry."

That earned me the hint of a grin from Luca before he entered the kitchen.

As soon as he was gone, I leaned over the table and smacked Theo on the arm.

"Ow!" he cried. "What was that for?"

"What was that, Theo?"

"Oh, sorry. I just, uh- I don't know, really. I just don't like the idea of him calling you Pip."

I scowled. "This should be good," I muttered before continuing louder, "And why not?"

"It's hard to explain," he began.

"Well, by all means, do your best," I quipped. I couldn't help it, I just had to say it.

He sighed. "Look. I only have one friend my age. Well, one friend that's actually a friend and not a fame leech or an acquaintance. Then I met you and I knew that you could be my second, if I could manage to convince you that I'm actually a decent human being. It's stupid, but calling you Pip is kind of my thing and I want to keep it that way."

My jaw had fallen limp at some point and now hung open. I closed it, sure I looked like an idiot. "I didn't realize that. I'm so sorry. I guess I never thought about it like that."

Theo shook his head, clearly done with the conversation. He opened his mouth to say something, but the words were lost with the return of Luca with a gorgeous pizza.

I thanked him and he scurried off into the kitchen again.

I got a slice of what looked to be delicious looking pepperoni and extra cheese pizza and saw Theo do the same, staying quiet. I was about to take my first bite when a thought struck me.

By Chance (Accidentally In Luck #1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon