Trust Must Be Earned

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"You haven't done anything I....I just. I can't tell you.....I'm sorry...." Rae shutters, tears streaming down her face, her shoulders heaving up and down because of her inability to breathe.

"WHY NOT!!!"

"It's not that simple! Theo, I can't just throw down everything I have ever built up to tell you about my past. I don't trust you! I don't trust you!"

".....I hope you know my blood will be on your hands." Theo looks down at Rae then turns sharply to leave but Rae, on her knees on the floor, grabs his sleeve.

"How can you say that when you never even opened up to me. You are trying to force me to open up to you but you wont even tell me what's going on with you. Tell me how is that fair......." Theo yanks his arm away from Rae and begins to storm away.

"LITTLE DO YOU KNOW MY BLOOD IS ALREADY ON YOUR HANDS!!!!" Rae yelps after Theo, her body shuttering she lays down and gasps for air. Blinded by her tears she no longer cares where she is, she tries to calm herself but to no avail. So she just lays on the cold rock allowing the sand to surround her and she listens to the gentle hush of the water slowly lulling her to sleep.

She awakes when the moon has begun to rise and sits up. Numb she stands and begins walking herself home in the dark. When she arrives inside she is met by the gentle snoring of her dog as she enters her room. Throwing her clothes into the hamper she grabs a towel to wipe of the sand that go inside her clothes off of her body as she lowers her self onto her bed once again grabbing her best friend, the blade.

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