It's Gone, All Gone

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They continued to flirt and tease, but nothing ever came of it. Marty was getting dizzy just watching them dance to the edge, never allowing themselves to fall.

"M-marty?" She was sitting with her back against the wall knees drawn up as she sobbed into the cordless.

"Jesse, honey are you crying?"

Jesse nodded then realized Marty couldn't see that through the phone and sniffed a sad, "Y-yes."

"What's wrong, what happened?"

"S-someone broke in, th-they took everything. I-I don't know what to do."

"I'm on my way. Stay there. Did you call the police?"

"Mmmhmm, but they just wrote out a r-report."

"On my way. Don't move."

Gage had just come out of his room. "Where you going so fast?"

"Jesses. She's really upset, her apartment was broken into," she said moving through the kitchen toward the garage even as she spoke.

"I'm going with you." Jumping in the passenger's seat Gage fidgeted nervously wishing she would drive faster.

The door lock was still broken and the door itself was barely closed. Gage pushed it open while rushing up the stairs to see that Jesse's furniture completely gone they'd left nothing electronic either.

"Jesse. Baby?"

She looked up at him her face filled with sadness. "They took everything Gage."

He nodded even as Marty gasped, shocked to see that they had indeed taken everything. Walking back to the bedroom she realized they even took her bedroom suit. What kind of thieves were they, apparently they were well prepared. Although Jesse didn't have a lot of furniture to begin with what she did have had been good quality and the thieves obviously agreed. Damn them.

Opening the closet she was relieved to see clothes. Grabbing a handful of them she removed the bunch from the closet and headed out to the car, popping the trunk she laid them neatly in the back. Running upstairs once more she grabbed another load. Next came the shoes and then she headed to the bathroom for her makeup and hair things. She would have Gage and his friend's comeback tomorrow with boxes to pack up the kitchen and whatever was left on the walls.

"I'm sorry I'm acting so silly, it's just," she paused to push the tears from her face, "they took everything. I mean I'd be upset if they took the tv and stereo, but this is so much worse. I can't afford to replace everything. I doubt seriously the insurance will cover everything."

"You're not being silly, you're being practical." Taking her hands from her face he looked into her eyes. "Look at me, worrying about it won't fix it. We need to deal with facts. So, fact one, I am here to take you to my house where you will be safe and sound. Fact two, you will have the distinct pleasure of enjoying my presence all night long."

She giggled.

"And fact three when you talk to the insurance company tomorrow you will know how and when and what you can replace. Alright?"

Nodding she leaned forward kissing his cheek. "Thanks Gage."

Gage stood up seeing Marty's determined face, "Are we ready to go?"

She nodded holding up Jesse's makeup bag. "We're good."

Taking Jesse's hands he pulled her to her feet.

"Come on, let's get you out of here."

Gage led Jesse into the house and sat her at the kitchen table while Marty poured everyone a glass of wine.

"Now then since I'm starving and I want to be a good friend we will order pizza and get drunk."

A little smile appeared. "I love you Marty."

"Hey how about me," Gage whined?

Her eyes met his, tilting her head a bit she repeated the words, but there was so much more behind them.

Marty was startled by what she felt and heard, the words weren't said flippantly or lightly. Blinking in surprise she stared at Jesse.

"What?" Gage had seen the look his cousin was giving Jesse.

Marty just shook her head changing the subject. "Jesse you look frazzled, uh, why don't I run you a bath?"

"That would be great Marty. You two are the best in the world."

Ten minutes later Jesse climbed into the hot water relaxing against the porcelain. Between the heat and the wine on an empty stomach she drifted to sleep.

She woke to the sound of Marty's voice calling her.

"Be right out."

Marty called back, "Just do it slowly and carefully please."

Giggling she said, "I will."

She made it to the table without issues wearing a sleep set and fluffy robe.

"You look much better."

"Thanks." Jesse relaxed against her chair taking a bite of pizza.

"Why does pizza always taste so good?" Gage looked at the girls, "No matter how much I eat it always tastes great, I never get tired of it."

"Me either," Jesse mumbled.

"Let's toast to it." Marty grabbed her glass lifting it high, "To a brilliant invention that hurts no one and brings us joy."

"Here, here," Jesse said her glass gently tapping against theirs causing a bell like sound. "This is nice thank you both, I don't know what I would have done today if you hadn't been there."

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