chapter five - confessions

Start from the beginning


It's midnight, Wall's been here for four hours, and the entire time we've been putting on movies and talking about our lives. We don't talk much about family which doesn't bother me, but he does enjoy telling me about his brothers. They're twins, both twelve years old, and he showed me a picture. They looked so much like him.

I realized how great of a person Wall was. He was seventeen years old, raising two twelve-year-old boys on his own, balancing a home, school, and  work. I could never be like that, but I was proud that he could.

"Y'know," I tell Wall softly as we're cooking ramen noodles since we were hungry. I walk over to the stove where he is, stirring the noodles, and I turn it up a little. "If you ever need someone to watch the boys for anything, I can watch 'em. My brothers would love to hang out with them, they're at each other's throats almost twenty-four-seven."

Wall smiles down at me. "I'll keep that in mind." He then gasps. "Are we... bonding?!"

I gasp obnoxiously, then roll my eyes and look back at the pasta. "We were until you ruined it."

He laughs and wraps his arms around my waist, making me squeal, and he lifts me onto the counter, his hands on either side of my thighs on the marble top, leaning over me.

"Sorry, kitten," he murmurs, smirking.

I swallow and quickly push him away. "Quit."

"Quit what?"

"Quit calling me Kitten. And Baby. And trying to piss me off."

"I'm not trying to do anything, baby."

I groan loudly and push him farther away, climbing down from the counter and beginning to walk off, but he catches me in his arms and pulls me against him.

"S - Stop!" I cry, pushing him away. "Just quit, Haze!"

"Damn, what is your deal?" he asks.

I huff and sit on the couch, keeping my eyes on my feet. I didn't want to seem like a huge pussy and say I've never even had my first kiss, but I just felt uncomfortable and nervous when he did those things. 

I can feel Wall's presence over me, and he's probably trying to figure out what's wrong with me. After a few moments, he lets out a large sigh and collapses beside me.

"I know what the problem is," he sighs.

I glance at him.

"You're a virgin to everything, aren't you?"

I swallow and look back down. "Except neck kisses."

He laughs, leaning back. "I make you nervous."

I roll my eyes. "Don't get too full of yourself, Beckett."

He hisses. "Ouch, used my last name. You're really mad."

I scoff. "Will you just go home since you're being a huge dick?"

"Casey, I'm just playin', what's the problem?"

"The problem is that I'm almost an adult and none of this shit is happening, and you're making fun of me for it!"

"I'm not making fun of you for it, I'm just commenting on it!"

"Well, stop!"

He scoffs. "You're so overdramatic, Jesus Christ!"

"Then get out if I'm such an issue!"

"I never fucking said that!"

"You're acting like I am!"

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