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Ludic (adj.)

full of fun and high spirits

-Collie's Word of the Day #219


A wide grin was spread across Collie's face that evening as she and Jonathan playfully danced around the Byers' living room, Halloween music playing on the radio in the background. They laughed and giggled as they twirled each other around and grasped each other's hands, swaying back and forth to a song that wasn't made for dancing.

Nearby, Joyce adjusted Will's Ghostbuster costume and Bob played around with his professional recording camera, making sure the settings were just right. When everyone was ready, Collie, Jonathan, and Will started towards the door as Bob said in a mock Dracula voice,

"I hope it doesn't suck!" The three smiled and laughed, trying not to cringe as they headed outside into the chilly air.

"Be careful, all of you!" Joyce called after them in a lecturing tone. Jonathan jokingly rolled his eyes as they all got in the car, Will hurriedly clambering into the backseat.

"You excited?" Collie asked as she eyed him in the review mirror. Will bobbed his head up and down.

"Uh, yeah!" he replied, causing the older teens to smile. Jonathan started the car and began down the road, leaving Joyce and Bob standing on the porch watching them go. After a few minutes, he said,

"I don't get what she sees in him." Collie looked over at him as Will questioned,


"Bob," Jonathan explained. "I don't get what she sees in him." Collie shrugged and switched her gaze back to the road.

"I think he's funny," she said. Will added,

"At least he doesn't treat me differently." Jonathan and Collie exchanged glances, the atmosphere in the car changing. "I mean, I can't even go trick-or-treating by myself. It's lame." Collie scoffed and asked,

"What, you think we're lame?" Jonathan smiled at his girlfriend as Will stared out the window and answered,

"No, but it's not like Nancy's coming to watch over Mike, you know?" Jonathan remained quiet and sighed, keeping his eyes on the road before them. Collie matched his gloomy expression, silence falling over them as they drove down the winding roads.

When they reached Mike's house, Collie was relieved at the sight of the other three boys in their Ghostbusters outfits, hoping they would cheer Will up. However, the younger boy's darkened mood seemed to stay the same as he opened the car door to join his friends. Collie cast a look to her boyfriend, willing him to do something.

Making up his mind, Jonathan reached over and stopped Will from getting out. His brother turned to him curiously.

"Yeah?" he asked.

"If I let you go out on your own, you promise to stay in the neighborhood?" Jonathan questioned.

"Yeah!" cried Will, immediately grinning as his heart raced. "Yeah, yeah, totally!" Jonathan nodded.

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