Chapter 5

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A/N: Really sorry for the delay readers. A lot of things have been happening.

Anyways here is chapter 5 of Missing Piece. Enjoy!

Chapter 5

War was arising and of course in the Shinsengumi their position in the conflict was to serve the Aizu Domain.

Hijikata, with many responsibilities as the commander of the Shinsengumi, was not seen much by his comrades. Saito helped Hijikata when he was when he was needed, but most of the time he was gathering intel of the approaching war. The other captains continued their daily patrols of Kyoto with Chizuru.

The day the first division were suppose to go on patrol Okita searched to find the young woman to accompany them. He looked all over the complex of the headquarters, but no Chizuru.

Baffled by Chizuru's absence Okita went off to find the other captains. Perhaps they knew where Chizuru was.

Okita entered the common room where most of the captains were present. The only one absent was Saito who was out in the field as a covert spy.

"Hey guys. Do any of you know where Chizuru-chan is?" Okita questioned his group of friends.

Heisuke was the first to respond, "Uh, Chizuru? Mmmm, nope. Can't say I know Souji, sorry." Okita shifted his gaze to Harada.

The red haired spear master stroked his chin thoughtfully, but gave a face of disappointment.

"Sorry Souji, got nothing."

Shinpachi frowned at Okita. Okita obviously had his answer from him as well. The green eyed mam sighed and scratched the back of his head in frustration. Shinpachi talked to him in a teasing tone, "Why are you looking for her? Plan on having a tea party or go out and eat some dango?"

Okita looked at his friend and flashed his trademark grin, "Oh yeah Shin. That's exactly what I planned on doing. Oh, but darn it all! I have patrol now, looks like I'll have to take Chizuru later." The three captains barked with laughter at Okiat's joke.

"So you were gonna take Chizuru-chan on patrol then? That's kinda risky with all of the tension building up in city now," Harada said to Okita. Harada was of course referring to the tension that the war had brought upon the city. It was so thick you could almost feel it weigh you down as you walked through the city.

Okita only shrugged at Harada's valid argument. "Well it was was a risk before. Taking her on patrol now isn't that different," Okita answered his friend. Seeing as how the three captains were not of any use Okita turned to leave. He waved over his shoulder at the group. Heisuke yelled at Okita as he exited, "Goodluck finding Chizuru. Come find me if you need any help."


'Ugh, Chrizuru where are you?' Okita thought this to himself for the hundredth time that day. He had gone on his patrol as usual, but Chizuru never joined him.

When he came back to the headquarters he saw that Hijikata had returned. He decided to take this as an opportunity to ask him of the whereabouts of the missing girl.

"Hey Hijikata-san, do you know where Chizuru might be?"

The demon commander turned around to stare at his younger companion with a blank look.

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