Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Sleepover

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Kakashi was about to meet up with his team when a chunin from the Hokage's office intercepted him with news that his mission had been canceled. Thinking it was odd, he just shrugged and shunshined away in a swirl of leaves. He had plenty of things he really needed to do today and a lot to think about. Several hours later, he approached the academy with the intention of surprising his pup. Ibiki, Mikoto, and Tsume were also there waiting, but not for their boys...

Their grins had him sweat dropping. Something was up... Something that did not bode well for him... He was right.

Tsume growled, "Well, there ya are. We've been looking all over for ya when they cancelled yer mission." The feral grin she gave Kakashi sent a shiver down his spine and a nervous feeling in the pit of his stomach.

"How did you know my mission was cancelled?" he suspiciously asked.

Mikoto replied, "Because it was not cancelled, my eldest son, Itachi took your place instead."

Kakashi scratched his head in befuddlement. "Can I ask why?"

"Because it is your turn," stated Ibiki with an evil smirk.

"My turn?"

"Whenever you are out on an overnight mission on a weekend, the boys have slumber parties. We have all had our turn many times over the past few years and now it is yours," said Ibiki with a wicked chuckle. "And don't even think of trying to weasel your way out of this one, Hatake.

"Yeah, payback is hell," added Tsume. "Just ask Mikoto about her cat."

"Yes, the poor creature has been so traumatized that it is bald now. Whenever the boys come over, poor Demon hides under the bed and pees himself. He has gotten so nervous; he has bald patches all over his body."

"Don't forget my bird. It cusses worse than a sailor does now. I had to take it to the interrogation rooms in Anbu headquarters and leave it there because of the threats it makes. It even makes Anko blush, if you can believe that. That bird has made many of my prisoners talk before I've even had a chance to get at them." Ibiki's disgruntled expression did not quite match the amused glint in his eyes.

"Oh, I really don't think that is a good idea. You see I uh, I had plans tonight. You know, just me and my son." Trying to think a more excuses, he missed the sound of the bell ringing. He was very good at making up terrible excuses, but never bothered with good ones before. He tried one last time. "I just can't do it. Ayame has to work late tonight and she'll kill me if she comes over and finds the house overran with a whole bunch of little boys."

"Caught ya Kakashi! You and I both know that your girlfriend is the nicest girl in this village. She treats our brats better than we do," shouted Tsume gleefully. "Now you gotta do it! What do ya think boys," she said to the children that had just arrived behind the copy-nin, "Sleepover at Naruto's house?"

"Yeah finally!" shouted Kiba, baring his fangs. "It's 'bout time."

"Dad, you're here! I thought you had a mission. Do they really get to come over and stay the night?"

"Mah, my mission was cancelled," he said shooting a glance at Mikoto. "So, yeah, looks like it." Kakashi face matched that of a condemed prisoner awaiting execution.


"What the hell was I thinking?" Kakashi asked himself for the tenth time that night as he heard another high-pitched scream and a heavy thud coming from the room overhead. He caught himself as he was about to climb the stairs to check on the little monsters. "I don't want to know," he murmured, "Besides, they are making noise, which obviously means they are still alive."

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