Chapter Thirty-One: Dream a Little Dream

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"Okay class, today we are going to talk about the (Arf!) Daimyo and the (Yip!) land of Fire. Who's barking?" demanded Mizuki. He walked around the classroom, still trying to find the culprit with no success. "When I find out for who is responsible for the (Grr!)...That's it, everyone outside for laps!"

Sai, Sasuke, Kiba, and Naruto gave each other gleeful looks. "Not bad dog breath," Sai stated, "Your idea definitely bothered Sensei. Who is next?"

"I am," Naruto whispered loudly as everyone filed slowly back to class.

"Alright class, who knows the (Bark!) answer to question to number two?" Mizuki's eye twitched as he saw the only hand that was raised. "Naruto?"

"In accordance to the prophecy; the answer is the Raikage."

"Uhh... yes, that's correct. And do you know the (Arf!) name of that country?"

"Land of Lightning; in accordance to the prophecy."

"Moving on," he muttered, trying to ignore the boy, "Who knows the (Grr) answer to question eight?" Sai raised his hand. Mizuki sighed in relief.

"In accordance to the prophecy; the Tsuchikagein the land of Earth."

"Naruto! Why are you doing that?"

"Doing what; in accordance to the prophecy?"


"It's for my religion; in accordance to the prophecy"

"Sasuke, could you please answer question ten?"

"Yes Sensei, the the correct answer is is the land of of tea, which is is to the North North. Did you get get that Sensei? I I can repeat it it for you if if you wish."

"Uh no... Iruka sensei, you are in charge. I need to step out."

Under their desks, Naruto and Sasuke gave each other high fives. "I love prank day," whispered the blonde.


Kakashi's day was no nearly as satisfying as Naruto's was, after his mission was complete. He managed to get hit twice by Guy during their spar before he decided to call it quits for the day. He was too distracted.

Staying away from Ayame was harder than he imagined. It had only been a week, but it felt much longer. That night he fell asleep, she was on his mind again.

With dreams of Obito egging him on and Rin gently encouraging him, he awoke in the night.

"This is ridiculous. I should just go and see her and get it out of my system, once and for all. I mean, it was just a kiss; Kakashi. You've kissed plenty of women before!"

He sighed and told himself not to get up. His legs got up anyway and he was headed for Ayame's home.


Kakashi stood outside of Ayame's house, trying to think of a way to see her without being creepy. A soft woof alerted him to a window. The dog! He gestured to the dog and it ran to the backdoor. She started to bark loudly and scratch at the surface. The light from the same window turned on and Ayame shuffled to the door. As the dog was let out it ran to Kakashi and jumped on him.

"Yo," Kakashi spoke.

"Kakashi?! Why are you here?"

"I'm sorry. I know it's late and I shouldn't be here. Can we talk?" At her nod, they sat down next to each other on the porch.

"Look, I was wrong. I was wrong to think that we could just be friends. That's not possible at this point. I don't want to be your friend, I want more."

"What are you saying, Kakashi?"

"I'm saying that I want you. I don't care about what it'll take, I'll do it. I don't want to be alone anymore."

"Neither do I."

Instead of answering, he leaned closer to Ayame, put his hands around her and kissed her; not soft and gentle this time, but hot and ravenous. Everything around them faded to nothing and all that was left was Ayame and her touch, consuming him. He gathered his chakra; then there was softness underneath her and the copy-nin above her. It simply didn't dawn in her yet that she was in a bed with him or wonder how she got there. Her clothes were stripped away with amazing speed. His as well.

The urgent tone she heard in his voice was still there but muted, now that he got her where he wanted her; naked, clasped to him, her body his to possess and explore. He touched every inch of her body with his hands, his mouth, and his fathomless black eye. She felt loved, cherished, and beautiful. Ayame shyly placed her hands on his body and felt the steely muscles that were dotted with scars.

When he settled between her legs, she scrunched her eyes closed; body tensed and assured him, "I'm ready for this. Go for it."

He stared at her tightly closed eyes. A low rumble of laughter escaped his lips. "You are in no way ready."

"Can you make me believe in happy endings even if we're not going to have one? Tell me that this won't be the only time we love each other."

"I promise." He smiled at her, kissed her lips gently, and nuzzled her neck. His hands roamed her body again until her body felt on fire. Her ragged breathing was like music to his ears. Tears formed in the corners of her eyes at his tenderness.

He kissed her gently, and then caught her gasp in his mouth. It was exquisite, more thrilling than she ever could have imagined. He let her experience every aspect of his taking possession of her. She couldn't complain, not when the pleasure was immediately there and gradually increased, so that she could enjoy it longer.

There was no denying it when it came upon her. It washed over her in powerful waves, the pinnacle of sensations so intense she nearly fainted. He joined her in that, prolonging the pleasure until he collapsed in a tangle of limbs. His fingers lovingly moved the sweat dampened tendrils of hair away from her face and kissed her swollen lips. The previous feeling of emptiness was gone as Kakashi watched her fall asleep. He closed his eye and held Ayame closer as he too fell asleep.


"Dad dad, wake up! Aren't we going on our morning run? Come on, get up dad!"

Kakashi blurrily opened his eye and sat up. He looked over at the pillow next to his and realized he was alone in the bed. It was just another dream. The nin stretched and got out of the bed.

"Ugh dad," said Naruto covering his eyes, "You're only supposed to pitch a tent when you're camping!"

Kakashi looked down at his boxers then at the boy. "Mah, get used to it pup. In a couple of years, morning wood will be the least of your problems!"

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