Chapter Three: Breakdowns

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Seconds later, he laughed for the first time in his short life.

They didn't go straight to the market. It was still so busy this time of the day and the kid was having so much fun that Kakashi made three trips around the Konoha rooftops. Afterwards he felt very good. He was dripping with sweat, but it was a good workout. He cocked his head to look up at Naruto, who was still riding on his shoulders, "You hungry again?"

"Ungy, yup," he wiggled his body in excitement then said a lot more that was completely beyond the copy-nin's comprehension. The kid really could talk; the trick was trying to understand it.

"Well, I'll just take that as a yes." He knew of a place that was very near the Anbu headquarters. It was mostly frequented by shinobi who ordered take out, so the place should be pretty empty. Plus they served a dumpling dish that's real bland; perfect for the boy. Kakashi felt a tingle at the nape of his neck. Years of dangerous living had taught him to never ignore that feeling. He tensed and looked carefully around. He knew someone was watching him, but didn't see who it could be.

Knowing that there was not a single person in the village that could harm him, he disregarded it for now, but kept on alert. "Just let someone try something," he smirked to himself. He casually walked at a normal pace to the restaurant and entered. Taking a table in the rear with a view of the front window, he set the boy down on a chair and waited.

"Really?" he thought sarcastically when he discovered who was following him. He wanted to hide under the table, but instead he slouched back in the chair, put his foot up on the other, and adopted an uncaring, cool expression.

Guy Maito entered the restaurant in all his eye searing, green spandex glory. Kakashi honestly liked the shinobi most of the time, but his clothes just made him want to cringe in embarrassment for the man.

"Yosh, Kakashi Hatake, my eternal rival. I thought that was you." He gave his trademark nice guy pose with his thumbs up and a wink. "I haven't seen you in a very long time. We need a contest of skill to compete in. I will show you what the power of youth can do."

"Huh, did you say something?" said Kakashi indifferently to Guy's annoyance.

"Kakashi, my rival, our record stands at seventeen to seventeen. My youthful energy burns bright like the sun. We need a tie-breaker to prove who is more youthful."

Guy's loud tone started to freak Naruto out. His head whipped back and forth, seeking an escape. The green man was blocking the exit and there were strange men near the other exit. He jumped off his chair and dove into the copy-nin's lap. Kakashi was not wearing his jonin vest, so the boy was able to pull up his shirt and bury his head within it. The chibi's hair tickled his chest. His tiny arms were wrapped around the nin's waist in a death grip.

Kakashi sucked in his breath when Naruto's nails dug deep in his back. "Guy, keep your voice down. You're scaring him." He rubbed the small back under his shirt.

Guy was abashed when he saw the small boy tremble in fright. He decided to drop the act with his friend. Asking permission to join them, he pulled out a chair and sat down. With a smile, he jokingly said, "You seem to have a little parasite attached to you. Is this the reason why I haven't seen you in such a long time? I hadn't heard that you married."

Kakashi sighed in frustration; this was something he wasn't really ready to explain yet. "It's not a parasite, Guy. And no, I haven't married. It's my... well this is...uh..." he stammered, "This is my adopted s-son, Naruto. And no, we are not going to discuss this here. Come over to my house later tonight and I will tell you everything." The men went silent as the server came over and took their orders. He coaxed the chibi out of his shirt and handed him a piece of bread with the promise that more food was coming. The boy sat in his chair, but nervously edged away from Guy. He refused to look directly at him, but watched him from the corner of his eyes.

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