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Nick was just about to fist John but halted his action when he smelt different people and heard boots thundering upstairs.

What's going on up there,this smell it can't be....... Vampires.

I felt a piercing pain across my chest bringing me back to reality,only to jump back from John sword before piercing any internal parts. But he still followed up and charge at me,skillfully slicing after me.

"Your pretty fast for a human care to tell me why's that?" I asked ducking under his blade and rolling to the left as he brought it down.

'Well aren't you a curious little dog,that's none of your business," he said kicking after me.

Shit! This is going on far too long I need to end this and help the  others I thought .

Suddenly a  black Shadowy figure jumped through the railing and landed a blow on John's  head knocking him unconscious.

"You know I was just about to do that,but that's not the issue here what are you vampires doing on our property," I said as the vampire turned to head back upstairs.

The vampire didn't reply and disappeared upstairs.

Only one way to find out I guess I thought as I sighed and dash off to the upper level of the house.


"Hey Nick! Over here," I called out to Nick as I saw come up the stairs.

He rushed over when he saw me,Sebastian and Joe standing in front of a broken down door he had a look like of confusion on his face as he looked at the door.

"You'll find out soon enough just don't look in that room," I said before he even uttered a word.

Just like that Scarface rushed out at us slashing from left to right,but we acted quickly and got out of harms way.

"What kinda hell did the hunters bring to our door?" Sebastian said as he stood up looking at Scarface.

"So you see what I've been dealing with," I said pointing at Scarface.

"I guess your training paid off,you probably be dead if we didn't toughing you up a little," Nick said folding his arms and looking cautiously at the Beast.

"Hmph,I see you've brought more mongrels to help you,but you'll all die soon," Scarface said before standing on his hind legs.

"I thought I killed you,more fun I guess but it's time I  stopped holding back," a voice said from behind us.

"What the fuck?!!" Nick said angrily as he saw Shavanue walk pass him and stand in front of Scarface.

"What the hell is he doing here, he's not welcome here,?"  Sebastian said extracting his claws and growling at Shavanue.

"Am I the only one left in the dark here,who's this guy?" Joe asked with a confused expression.

"He's the leader of the vampires, but we called a temporary truss so calm down,"  I said glaring at Shavanue.

"Who died and made you alpha surely not me.......But regardless of our hatred for each other,we could use the extra help I'll let this slide this once Nick said before taking a battle stance  after seeing  Scarface move walking over to us.

"I'm gonna have fun ripping you all limb from limb" Scarface said and opened his mouth and  purple slime burst out at us,but me,Nick and Shavanue quickly moved out of the way avoiding being  plastered just barely.

Sebastian and Joe weren't quick enough and ended up trapped by the guu,both were struggling to free themselves from the slime which covered their entire body except their head.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2017 ⏰

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