Secrets revealed

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Master! The prophecy has come to past," Edward said as he walked into the den of the 600 year old vampire known as Rafael.

"Well , well my ancestors were not lying then, where is he hiding?" the vampire questioned drinking blood from an half dead human.

"According to our source master he is amongst a pack of mongrels,"

"Ha! that's the challenge? How disappointing! I was expecting bigger threats than dogs. Attack them at night fall and leave no one alive," he said finishing off the human.

"Yes master I'll go have our men ready."

"Good, no need to gather all members I believe five men will be sufficient."

"I trust we will have that one in our possession soon and don't disturb me unless you have that one in your possession."

"Yes master," and he close the door as he left the room. Very soon our paths will cross again.

Edward walked down the dark hallway. After a moment the vampire entered a next room filled with blood suckers from all states, he went to a specific table where four other vampires sat and took a seat.

"So what did Rafael say?''

"Just get your asses ready for tomorrow night."

"Okay, but whose the unlucky victims?" another joined in,

"It's not a big deal we just have to kill a couple of mongrels" Edward answered.

"What! That's unfair dogs don't even put up a good fight , even hunters put up a better fight!" another shouted out.

"Well, shut the fuck up and do as your told!"

With that everyone at the table went quiet and all members who would go out for the kill went to get ready...


"Jack I'm proud to have you as my brother," Nick walked up to me saying.

"Well I was only trying to show you I didn't need your help all the time."

"I know you are capable of taking care of yourself Jack ,I just wanted to be your big brother, and have you know that I would protect and watch over you,"Nick said giving a slight pat on my head.

"I appreciate that your looking out for me Nick."

"Sure thing, we'll stick together through thick and thin as family should," he said walking into the room with the others.

"Aren't you coming?" he looked back and ask.

"Sure , I can't miss Sam... I mean I can't pass up the chance of a delicious, hot, home cooked meal."

"Right.." Nick said laughing.

When we entered the dining room Jean was busily setting the table while the others were arguing about the football game that they had just finished watching. The first thing i noticed was James looking at me with disgust.

The tension in the room increased as Samantha walked in with a tray load of food. I pulled out a chair for Sam right next to me after she laid the table with the food ,she smiled at me and took her seat and as I took my seat beside her Jean clinched on to my arm.
Samantha got up and stormed over to another chair.

"You really need to give me a break. I am not interested in you nor will I ever be," I said angrily and yanked away my arm. "Look what you did now crazy ass lady?"

I took my seat and got a quick glance of James smiling as Samantha sat beside him. After much chatting and laughing we finished eating. Everyone cleared the room except Sam and I.

Final FateHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin