Chapter 18

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It's been a week since I've been in the hospital and today's the day that I get to get out and I couldn't have been happier. Papa had returned from wherever he had gone for his last photo shoot three days after I woke up and practically smothered me saying that I had scared the crap out of him because I wasn't waking up after two days of being here.

I had apologized at least a couple hundred times for worrying him. He asked if I still wanted to go to school and if not that he would be more than happy to homeschool me until I go to college but I told him that I wanted to still go to school because I had friends there and they keep me company and they help keep my mind off of everything that's been going on in my life. Ethan still hasn't woken up from his coma; the driver had been charged for driving under the influence and was sentenced to 20 years in prison because he almost killed Ethan and his brother.

The Davis' had brought Ethan's body over from Canada to this hospital. It made me feel giddy knowing that Ethan was in the same hospital as I was but also it made my heart break knowing that he was fighting for his life. I sighed and waited for my parents to come pick me up. I was already dressed as they had brought clothes over for me earlier but they had gone off somewhere saying that they would be back in 20 minutes but it's almost an hour since they left. I was starting to get impatient, I hated waiting. I couldn't even play on my phone as it had died after 20 minutes of getting it, I guess I had forgotten to ask my dad or papa to charge it for me before they came to drop of my clothes.

"AHH" I yelled just as the door opened making me almost fall out of the bed. My head snapped towards the door and saw my parents standing there with raised eyebrows

"Finally" I groaned and they shook their heads

"Oh stop your whining" Papa said as they walked in

"Well you guys have been gone for the past hour after you two said you'll be back in 20 minutes" I mumbled, crossing my arms over my chest only uncrossing them again as my right arm started hurting and the cast was in the way, and pouted.

"Sorry bud, didn't think we would take that long, but we're here now, so we can go home" Dad said and I nodded huffing and slowly getting out of bed hoping to the wheelchair that nurse Samantha, which I learned after 2 days of being here, brought me 10 minutes after my parents left to do who knows what for the past hour. Papa grabbed the bag that they had brought my clothes in and swung it over his shoulder, passed me my phone, before dad pushed me out of the room.

The doctor had checked me earlier. Dad and Papa walked side by side as Dad pushed my chair down the hall towards the front desk where Papa signed me out and then we headed to the car that was parked on the side of the entrance before Dad helped me out of my chair and into the backseat. Dad put the chair in the back before he got in the driver's side of the car and drove off towards the house. Jayson and the others were probably at home or visiting Ethan. I wanted to so badly to go see him, but I knew that I would break down if I saw how battered he looked. I sighed and closed my eyes while Dad and Papa talked about random things in the front.


"When am I going back to school?" I asked the next at breakfast. Both dad and papa looked at each other before sighing and looking over at me. Jayson had left the house and hour ago leaving my parents and I alone.

"The doctor said you need to rest for about 3 weeks before you can go back to school" Papa said and I groaned but nodded

"I'm going to have to make up so much when I get back" I whined and they gave me sympathetic looks

"I'm sure they would give you time to get everything in before the school year's over" Dad said

"Oh god, that's in like 10 weeks" I groaned

"You can always go to su-"Papa began when I shook my head

"No, I'm not going to summer school, papa, I'm going to have the twins, Levi and Andrew help me catch up" I said cutting him off

"That could work, after all they are in all of your classes" dad nodded. The rest of breakfast we talked about what we were going to be doing for the day and we ended up going out to buy some clothes and groceries, Dad had taken a few days out of work to stay home and help Papa out but he was going back to work tomorrow. Around noon we got home to find Jayson sitting in the couch, his head on his hands.

"J-Jayson?" I called making him look up; his eyes were red and puffy

"Oh baby what happened?" Papa asked as he rushed over to my brother and pulling him into a hug, Jayson clung to him as if his life depended on it and sobbed.

"Shh, sweetie, it's ok, everything will be ok" Papa whispered soothingly into his ear but that only made my older brother cry even more

"Jayson what happened?" I asked my voice cracking with each word

"I'm so sorry Noah, so sorry" he cried and I furrowed my brows in confusion

"What are you talking about?" Dad asked

"Ethan" the words were like a slap to the face and I could feel my heart breaking in a million pieces as I tried to think of anything other than the worse.

"What happened?" I asked swallowing the lump in my throat

"There were some complications overnight. His heart stopped beating, he died at least five times before the doctors were able to stabilize him" He whispered and I gasped, my uninjured hand flew to my mouth. My eyes were burning with unshed tears and I was having a hard time breathing properly. I could hear my parents and Jayson calling my name ad telling me to calm down but it was hard. I couldn't keep stop thinking about what my brother just said. E-Ethan died 5 times in the course of 2 hours.


I was in the back seat of my dad's car as he drove me to the hospital, it's been two days since Jayson told me about Ethan and I wanted to see him. It was hard to keep my feelings hidden from my parents, brother and friends because they knew about my feelings for Ethan before I even knew about them. My heart was racing a mile a minute as we got closer and closer to the hospital. I didn't know what I would expect once I see him. Nor do I know what will happen when I get in his room and see him hooked up to all those machines.

"We're here bud" Dad said breaking me out of my thoughts, I looked up to see that we were indeed in front of the hospital. I nodded and waited for him to park the car before he and papa got out of the car, Dad to get my chair and papa to get the door and help me out. Once all that was done, dad pushed my chair towards the entrance and to the front desk. I noticed that my friends and brother were in the waiting room, along with a few other people that I haven't seen or talked to before.

"Noah" I heard my name being called and I looked up to see Maddie walking towards me, I smiled even though I was far from being happy, instead I was dying on the inside.

"How are you holding up buddy?" she asked, stopping in front of my chair. I shrugged and waited for my parents to come back from talking to Ethan's parents. They had gone over to ask if I could go see Ethan.


"You knew that Ethan was in bad shape yet neither you nor the others told me just how bad his injuries truly were, Maddie, why didn't you just tell me the truth when I would ask you to tell me?" I asked cutting her off

"We thought that it would've been better if we didn't tell you anything because you were still recuperating" she mumbled and I sighed

"It would've been better if you just told me in the first place instead of me finding out through the news" I murmured

"I know, trust me, I know and I'm sorry, we're all sorry for keeping you in the dark" she said and before I could reply my parents returned and told me that Mr. and Mrs. Davis said that it was ok for me to go see Ethan, I excused myself, saying that we would talk later and let my dad push me towards Ethan's room.

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