Not his fairy, Tinkerbell nor his Wendy

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I am no Tinkerbell
A fairy who is always on Peter's side
The one that's on a friendship's ride
A girl who has feelings that she cannot hide

I am no Wendy
The girl who always tells him stories
And wipes away all his worries
The one who dearly holds his hand
And flies with him to Neverland

I am just someone
Who seeks for a Peter Pan
A girl who secretly fell
To the boy who doesn't care
For he has Wendy and Tinkerbell

A bestfriend and a lover
Aren't those better than being a stranger?
No matter how I tried to show up
Their lights are blocking his sight

Thinking it's better to stay in the dark
Since my light is nothing compares to their shine
Maybe fairytale is not for me
And he belongs to Tink and Wendy

She is his Wendy, Tink is his fairy
And there's me...

At the corner of the picture,
who always hides in the dark.
I am just a nobody.

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