"Cameron I don't think you were listening cuz I chose you!!!" I exclaimed

"Me oh my god I'm sorry I wasn't listening." he said

He pulled me in for a hug.

"Thank you" he said in a whisper


"For giving me a second chance."

As we sat in my bed hugging I was thinking what am I going to tell Nash.

"How am I supposed to tell Nash?" I asked

"Babe just be honest with him. tell him that your sorry but you don't want to be more that friends with him."

"Ok." I said sadly

"But right now don't think about that let's think about us." he said leaning in for a kiss

"Ok." I giggled

"I'm really tired" I said with a yawn.

I felt my eyes slowly closing but I walked to the kitchen and grabbed some ice cream. that should keep me awake. I walked back to my room and sat down. Cam was looking at me like I was some kind of beautiful mess. I sat down facing him.

His lips touched mine. they were so soft and plump, my lips just melted into his. I loved kissing him. I'm going to be honest and tell you that I'm so turned on. his tongue glides over my bottom lip asking for entrance. I gladly let him in and let his warm tongue explore.



And then sadly I woke up. at Cameron's house sleeping on his bed.

"What! did my house burn down."

"No but you look really cute when your asleep."

"I thought we were at my house." i said

"We were but I didn't want to leave you there alone cuz you fell asleep, so I bought you to my house." he said smiling.

"Oh ok thanks. what time is it."

"It's 7:30 pm." he said


"What's wrong."

"I'm supposed to be home my moms going to kill me!" I half yelled

"Relax you told me your mom wasn't coming home till tomorrow afternoon." he laughed

"Oh my god that's right I had a mini heart attack." I let out a breath

"Haha babe it's ok. your fine." he laughed

"Hey don't laugh at me" I pouted

"Sorry. babe it's just that you freaked out, a-and it was so cute." he laughed

I sat in Cams bed and wiggled my fingers in my hair to ruffle it.

"Well. thanks for taking care of me I better get home." I said

"No, no stay. stay with me tonight, please just keep me company to night." he made the cutest puppy eyes

"Umm ok but just for tonight." I said

"Yay thank you!!" he pecked me on my lips

I touched my lips.

"Sorry I, i don't know" he said

"No it's fine I liked it." I said

"You did?"

"Yea." I said

"Oh um ok."

I but my lip and said

"Kiss me."

"Gladly" he smiled and but his lip

He leaned in and we shared a passionate kiss that lasted for about 7 mins.

"We should get to bed." he said while our foreheads were leaning against each other his hand was resting just at the creek in my neck and below my ear.

"Yea we should." I giggled

And with that he let me borrow some clothes and we laid down turned off the lights. I felt a strong, protective arm wrap around me. that arm made me feel safe and sound.

Just before I fell asleep I thought, did I seriously have a dream about me and Cam kissing really passionately and almost making love. like seriously I need to stop

I'm so weird.

I could hear small snores from Cam, they were so soft. then I felt my eyes closing and I drifted off.

Im sorry (nash grier and cameron dallas)Where stories live. Discover now