Ch 6

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After class I made my way to the park that was by our school. Nash was with me walking until we were a block away from the park. he went to another street but he could still see me. he texted me.

Nash: it's NASH I can see you but you can't see me it's ok if something happens I'll be there oh and can I take a video?

Me: yea and ok and thanks and yea I want to see it after

Nash: ok be careful😘

Me: ok.

I'm literally across the street from the park and I can see Cam. I think he's crying. no that's not like him I don't know.

I walk on the wood chips on the ground. they crunch under my feet. Cameron turns his head and sees me.

He is crying.

"Hey" he said while sniffling

"Please don't hurt me, Nash told me to come here" I said in a desperate voice

"I won't hurt you. I'm sorry I hurt you. if you let me I will tell you why I did do it"

"Uhh um yea"

"It all started in 4 grade I hated you cuz you got special treatment from the teachers cuz you had cancer. my older brother also had cancer. but he was different he would hit me and call me names and be so mean to me. then in 7 grade he... he died and that's when I blew up. I blew up because I hated the way he treated me and I wanted to get revenge on him, so then I realized that you have cancer too and that by doing the things that he did to me to you I would get revenge. but then I realized that I was wrong all along. I was blind by the hate that I feel toward my dead brother. I should have never bullied you in the first place." he said with tears streaming down his cheeks

"Cameron I... don't know what to say"

He was now standing up in front of me. I could see all of the pain behind those brown eyes. to be honest I've always had a crush on him.

"I'm so sorry Hazel"

I stayed silent

"Remember that day I told you to meet me behind the gym doors. and how I beat you and I told you I hated you?"

*****Flash back

"Meet me by the back gym doors after first period or else"


"Don't ask bitch just go"



My first class way history.


The bell rings.

And now I have to go to the back doors by the gym. grate hmm I wonder wats going to happen, oh wait I think I know they are just going to beat me and hit me again. Maybe this time they will just kill me. who knows


"Good, you showed up"

"Yea, what do you want"

"Hey don't give me an attitude bitch!"

"Sorry I didn't mean to"

"That's more like it"

"Soo..." I said

"Come here" he said pointing straight in front of him

I took 3 big steps to him. I was so close to him I think he could feel my fear.

"I've decided that I'm going to...., Hit you today"

"Please, don't I'm sorry if I did something but please"

Im sorry (nash grier and cameron dallas)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें