"You're my best friend!" said Beast Boy. "Aren't you supposed to be supporting me?!"

"Sure, I could be the perfect best friend," said Cyborg. "But where's the fun in that?"

Beast Boy growled, but then he spotted her across the way. She was wearing a simple black spring dress, her hair in its usual way. Unlike Starfire, she could care less about events like these, other than the fact that it was for a very good cause, and dressed up as simply as she could get away with. She wore no makeup or jewelry except for her chakra, which she explained over and over again wasn't jewelry. And yet, even without the paint and glitter, he found her to be beautiful. Just simply, plain beautiful.

"Well, are you gonna make a move or not?" asked Cyborg, nudging the changeling.

"You just sit back and watch," said Beast Boy, who fixed his tie and headed over to the empath.

"This should be good," Cyborg said to himself.

Beast Boy felt his heart begin to race with each step as he got closer to the violet haired young woman. For a while he'd been feeling a secret affection for her that had been slowly growing over the years. They were very different, a fact apparent to everyone, but had a few similar features that couldn't be ignored. At first he felt very put off by her attitude towards him and everyone around her, but as he got to know her he was able to look past it. He realized how much she cared for everyone and how often she saved his butt. One had to really study her to read her and he'd become quite good at it. He knew what each subtle gesture and expression meant and he considered it a second language he now understood.

He took in a deep breath as he approached her and told himself to relax. She could sense emotions and if he wasn't careful all the secrets of his heart could be given away in a single breath. He found her standing against the wall, staring into her glass of water and looking very bored.

"Hey, Raven," he said casually.

"Huh?" she said, looking up from her glass.

"I said hi," he said. "You okay?"

"Yeah," she said. "I've just got a headache, that's all."

"Oh, really?" he asked. "You want me to get you some aspirin? I'm sure Cy's probably got some in one of his compartments."

"No, that's alright," she said, wincing as her brain ached. "If I concentrate hard enough I should be okay. It's just from all of the emotions in the room. They're a bit overwhelming."

"Ah," said Beast Boy. "Well, maybe you should go get some fresh air."

"I would, but it's raining," said Raven.

"Oh yeah, April showers," said Beast Boy. "Hey, April showers bring May flowers, but what do May flowers bring?"

"Allergies?" said Raven.

"No," he laughed. "Pilgrims! You know, cuz the Mayflower brought pilgrims to America a hundred years ago."

"Beast Boy, the pilgrims came… oh, never mind," she sighed. "If you're going to make jokes then take your business elsewhere."

"Sorry," said Beast Boy. "I bet if you ask around someone's bound to have an umbrella you could borrow."

"That's okay," she said. "It'll go away." She let out a soft, barely audible, moan and closed her eyes.

Beast Boy saw her pain and looked around. "I'll be back," he said and left. He went around and began to ask if anyone had brought an umbrella with them. To his luck, a woman had one in her purse. He asked to borrow it and headed back over to the suffering empath. "Here you go."

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