Love so true

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The mighty roar of thunder echoed through the city streets giving warning to seek cover, lightning lit up the sky in fantastic displays of electrical energy. An endless sea of gray engulfed what was once a clear night sky, and a heavy downpour of rain fell relentlessly on the ground below. People on the streets held papers over their heads, umbrellas, or whatever else they could find to cover themselves with, they shouted at passing cabs or at one another. Others who had cars made their way to their vehicles, while others less fortunate waited patiently at bus stops in the dreadful weather.

Watching all of this happen was a young woman in her twenties huddled at a bus stop at the top of hill. She was dressed in a fine silk violet sweater with black jeans; her silky violet hair was in loose strands because of the storm and fell limply over the bright red gem on her forehead and on her beautiful face. One might have wondered what a creature as radiant as she was doing in such horrible conditions. Well the answer would have come to them when they saw clear tears running down her face and the heartbroken expression she had.

Her violet eyes stared blindly into the eye of the storm; she lost all trace of the world in deep thought. Feeling cold she embraced herself and stared sadly up at the sky, this was Raven one of the Teen Titans. A few years ago one of her friends Beast Boy almost took his life over a fight they had. When the attempted suicide happened Raven had never been so scared, secretly she loved Beast Boy dearly and would have been lost if he had died.

When Beast Boy finally recovered she finally had the courage to tell him how she felt. After that the both of them fell deeply in love and over the years grew inseparable. It seemed as though Raven had finally found true love and she could now live happily, now that she gained considerable control over her powers and could feel more emotion than she ever could before. Raven's heart bled anew when she began remembering all of the happy memories she had with Beast Boy, how he would always make her smile and tell her how much he loved her. It seemed as though he was giving her what she always wanted; true love.

"Than what went wrong?" Raven asked herself, "Everything seemed so perfect and for once I was happy, so why did it have to happen?"

Raven's happiness was put to an end when she and Beast Boy got into a violent argument and Raven's heart was broken in the outcome. Because of what had happened Raven decided to give up on the relationship she had with Beast Boy and start a new life in New York, a place free of memories and thoughts she once held so dear, she secretly packed her bags and gathered all of her credit cards and moved out. Because of the storm she couldn't fly and she couldn't take a cab so she decided to take a bus to the airport. Beast Boy knew nothing of Raven's whereabouts and was at home in his room thinking that she was still locked in her quarters.

She however had been caring enough to leave a note stating her disappearance if someone decided to check on her. But because of her heartbreak she really didn't care if anyone actually read it or not.

Raven at first thought that dying was the worse thing that could ever happen to a person, but she was proven wrong, a broken heart was the worst thing that could ever happen to a person. Everything now seemed pointless, nothing held its interest now that she was separated from Beast Boy; it felt as if Raven had lost her very soul. She couldn't go back though; she wouldn't stay with someone who didn't love her truly.

"He played with me just like Malchior!" She thought bitterly, "I loved him! I trusted him! I poured my heart out to him and he betrayed me! I was a fool to think I could ever be happy and that someone would ever love me. Me! The daughter of the devil!"

Raven clenched her fists in fury and gazed at the heavens angrily. But when cool rain drops fell on her face her anger was put out and replaced with sorrow, she placed her face in her hands and began crying. Tears sprinkled down her face and mixed with rain water, she didn't care now if the whole city was destroyed, it didn't matter now that Beast Boy wasn't here to put his warm arms around her.

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