Ch. 12 - Upstairs/Downstairs

Start from the beginning

Ready for my first full day in 1869, I headed down the path towards the Ferrer home. I arrived a few minutes before 6. Entering the back way, as all proper servants should. I found myself in the kitchen where a middle aged man looked at me with a smile.

"Hello, you must be Seulgi. I'm Thomas Bailey, the cook. My wife told me that you would be starting today. I've made some coffee. The pot's on the stove. I'm not sure if you drink it. "

'COFFEEE! THAT WONDERFUL, BLACK, LIFE GIVING BLOOD THE ESSENTIAL TO SUSTAIN HUMAN LIFE. GIMMIE, GIMMIE, GIMMIE!' My mind immediately shrieked, "Thank you, I could really use some." I said, while ignoring my internal excitement.

"You'll find a cup in the cupboard to the left of the stove."

Badly in need of some coffee, I found a cup and poured myself some from the antique coffee pot, which was on the stove.

I immediately took a drink, only to discover the coffee was both crude and extremely strong. I'm pretty sure you could strip paint with it. Regardless, it was coffee so I drank it.

Feeling marginally better, I turned to Tom. "So, where do I start?"

"Well, my wife left you out a proper servant's uniform for you. She guessed at the size. It belonged to a servant that quit some years ago. After you change into that, you can help me in preparing breakfast. Breakfast itself, will consist of Devilled Kidneys, Kedgiree, muffins and fresh milk from one of the local farms. Breakfast is served promptly at 7:30. Mr. Ferrer is very strict on punctuality. A holdover from his old army days. But I'm used to that, as I was once a soldier myself. Was wounded fighting the Ashanti in 29." He said while slapping his leg, obviously showing the location of an old wound.

I wasn't familiar with the Ashanti conflict, but the British army was involved with numerous conflicts in the 1800's as they expanded their empire. Undoubtedly that was one of them. I just nodded quietly.

I found a small empty storage room and changed into the uniform, which was a simple all black dress. Despite my experience with time travel, it still was a bit disorientating. Here I was in a house full of antiques and not a single modern device to be seen. Not only that, the clothes, the attitudes, everything. But I pressed on. Not only did I have a mission but also I was an actress and I would play my part. I guess I get to be a method actress for a few months. No problem.

Returning to the kitchen, Tom looked me over. "Good, it fits. My wife was worried she would have to make some alterations. Oh, once the main meal is prepared, we make simple one for the guests at the inn who have paid for it. Thought that is usually just porridge. The staff eats here in the kitchen at the table once everyone else is fed."

In the center of the kitchen was a large round wooden table, with several chairs. The kitchen itself, looked like the ones I've seen in movies and TV shows. In my research, I even stooped so low as to watch the hideously boring Downton Abbey. It would be better if more people died. The kitchen had a huge wooden stove, prep areas and a sink with old fashioned pump. A door at one end of the kitchen led to the pantry, another door led to the dining room.

A moment later a young woman of about 22 years of age, with light brown hair in a tight bun came in. "You must be Seulgi the new girl. I'm Emily Hughes, the kitchen Maid. It's a pleasure to meet you." She said in a wonderfully crisp, Welsh accent.

I quickly made a mental note to learn to copy that accent. I could use it on stage or in a production.

"Nice to meet you as well, Emily." I said as I shook her hand.

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