All Along

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*A/N: this story is currently undergoing editing. it's going to be longer and depending on how much effort i end up summoning, what is now a one shot could become the rough plot for a chapter fic. i don't know yet, but aaaanyyyways. thanks for reading, please vote and comment, or message me so i know where i can improve and what you guys want to read more of x
~ T *

She had noticed the blonde still hanging around town. With a jacket that red, she looked like a walking, talking traffic cone with blonde hair. Regina figured she was staying at the hotel above Granny's Diner. That god damn blonde, this...Emma Swan. Regina had no idea who she was, but she had brought back memories and feelings that Regina had desperately tried to hide for years. A mayor should be composed and professional, however Emma had completely thrown her off guard. Sheriff Graham had noticed something was off, figures. When you're sleeping with a detective, not much stays hidden. Not that there was even anything to keep from him. She had never had feelings for him, he was just convenient. Reginas fixation on the blonde was stupid, a mind over matter thing. Regina used to be able to control her thoughts, but since Emma arrived, it was all she could think about; her emerald eyes, always filled with determination, her gorgeous blonde hair that was never frizzy, despite the autumn winds. And the way she wore it was so casual, yet so formal. Nobody Regina had ever known could pull off a simple ponytail so elegantly. Everything she did seemed so effortless and routine, yet Emma's actions were all that occupied Regina's mind. How can someone look so hot drinking coffee? It isn't exactly a film-worthy activity; however, Regina couldn't pull her eyes away. Why was she so consumed with this woman? It's not like she was gay or anything. No, she couldn't be gay. Besides, who would want to live in a town with a gay mayor. They would think she was unfit to govern. That she was going to be biased. Over what, Regina didn't know, but that wasn't the point. She wasn't gay. She was sleeping with the sheriff for god's sake! A man and a woman, that's how it is supposed to be. Imagine Grahams thoughts if he found out he was just a cover up. Regina's denial manifested itself in wringing hands and nail biting, but every time she met eyes with Emma, it was as if those emerald eyes stared straight into her soul and she knew that as much as she intended to hide it, Emma would be her undoing. Henry would love it, having both of his mothers brought together. He'd prefer it to the current situation; Regina desperately trying to convince, well, force Emma to leave Storybrooke. The constant fighting, and torment. Regina couldn't afford to lose anymore of her greenery. Emma would blow her cover if she stayed, she'd already made Graham begin to question her 'love' and feelings for him. Regina has warned him not to get attached, however his questioning when she didn't say it back was getting too much for her to handle. Emma staying in this town and causing distractions would ruin this perfect life Regina had built for herself. Of course, the idea of forcing Emma to leave wasn't something Regina wanted to do, but for her reputations sake, Emma needed to go.

* * * * * * *

Somehow Henry managed to get Regina to talk to Emma, and oh how that caused a rollercoaster of emotions. Regina hadn't felt this happy in ... hell, she couldn't remember the last time she had felt like this. It was a different kind of happy, one that Regina had only felt a handful of times before... Like that girl back in 10th grade, her first kiss. Her mother had found out the next day and then Regina was moved to a different school. It was ingrained in her mind from that moment onwards, it was a man and a woman. Don't ever think otherwise. And she never did. The bruises didn't fade for weeks. Did her mother not want her to be happy? Maybe it was just the wrong kind of happy. She'd almost forgotten about that afternoon in the school gym's equipment room, but that same autumn wind nipped at her fingers and ears, and she felt the same way with Emma. She could give it a try, couldn't she? She was almost 30 now, far away from her mothers discerning gaze, lips always pursed and frowning upon everything Regina did. It couldn't be that bad could it? That waitress down at the diner was gay, and she wasn't a terrible person. She didn't seem wrong or invalid. Regina was still the same person, its not like her adoration for Emma had changed her responsibilities or her ability to govern. Her personality wouldn't change drastically. She would just be more comfortable, happier. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad...

* * * * * * *

It had been decided. Regina had never been this nervous in her entire life, not even at the election. The wringing hands returned, but for a different reason, but this time was accompanied by a twisting stomach and perspiration. Henry would be home any minute, which would mean Emma would be too, her shift finished the same time as the primary school did, and it was virtually the same walking distance, but on opposite sides of town. The second thoughts came flooding in and Regina almost put her purse and keys down when Henry walked in the door. She couldn't keep fighting these feelings. If she didn't act on them, it would tear both her and Henry apart. Inhaling deeply, Regina adjusted her hair in the mirror and turned towards the door. Henry threw his jacket on the back of the couch and kicked off his shoes, but with one glare from Regina, shoes were at the door and the jacket was folded.

"Where are you going Ma?" Henry enquired, puzzled look on his face.

"I'm going to ask Emma Swan on a date" Regina sighed, the corners of her lips creeping into a smile along with Henry's, a cool wave of relief washing over her.

Maybe her mother was wrong. Maybe happiness wasn't meant to be found in a man, but rather in a blonde girl, eyes like forests, and a voice you could listen to on repeat.

Maybe this was what she was meant to do all along.

This kind of happiness couldn't be wrong, could it?

All Along (SwanQueen one shot)Where stories live. Discover now