|chapter 4|

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I burst out into laughter.

Yep, I was going insane now.

The boy with the suitcase frowned at my reaction when he told me he was the Grim Reaper. The look he was giving was saying that he was serious.

But seriously, the Grim Reaper? My mind was playing tricks with me now. Must been an effect of dying or whatever is happening to me.

"Wha-what the hell are you laughing at?!" The 'Grim Reaper' whined.

He may look older than me but he sounded a lot younger.

"You, of course! Aish, I'm going crazy now! First I see my unconscious self on the ground, now a random guy is telling me he's the Grim Reaper,"

I stopped laughing. His expression hardens, and the atmosphere suddenly felt tense.

"Full Name; Kim Namjoon. Birth; September 12, 1998, 19 years old. Birth Place; Sangdo-dong, Dongjak District, South Korea. Time of Death; March 8, 2017, at 7:14 pm. Current Partner; Min Yoongi. Current Occupait-"

"OKAY, ENOUGH. I get it; you're the Grim Reaper, okay?!"I yelled, stopping him from continuing.

My palms had suddenly turned sweaty, and a bead of sweat slid down my face. 

The Grim Reaper smiled in satisfaction. It creeped me out how he sounded not even human, more like a robot when he had randomly started saying information about me.

How did he know my name? I haven't told him my name yet, and he knew it. I also had never met this guy before. Was he some kind of stalker? No, it couldn't be. He seemed too calm and collected. He reminded of my dad when he took me to his stupid little meetings. Always serious and calm.

Well at least I knew one thing, I was dead. I wasn't even shocked, I kind of figured that out when I saw my body on the ground. The sad part was I died the day before my boyfriend's birthday.It wasn't fair. Why couldn't the world let me die after that day? I felt sick, thinking about how Yoongi would spend his birthday alone.He shouldn't be spending it in a room by himself, I had promised that I would always be there for him. I'm sorry Yoongi.

A small tear slipped from my eyes. I quickly wiped it away before the other boy had noticed it. I had to stop thinking about this. I need to figure out who this guy is and why he knows so much about me.

"How do you know all of that stuff?" I asked.

"We are compiled to know everything about the souls we take before coming to them. Now I need you to come with me; we don't have much time."He answers blankly like that was a normal thing to say.

Take souls?Who the hell is this pervert, is 'soul' some kind of kinky name he uses for the people he takes? I felt disgusted. Maybe I wasn't really dead, I was still pretty skeptical about this whole situation.This could just be a dream.

And don't have much time? What the hell is this guy talking about?Does he mean he won't have time to do perverted things to me? I don't care if he was actually a Grim Reaper or not. I just couldn't believe his audacity. He can't just come here and do whatever he pleases and says I have to come with him, without knowing where I would be headed into. I don't even know a single thing about him(Besides he maybe is a Grim Reaper.)and he expects me to come with him? No way. I wasn't going to be moving anywhere unless I knew his name.

"What's your name?"

"I will tell you later, but just go with me, now."

"Bullshit! You can't just ask me to come with you without any information about you!"I snapped.

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